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词汇 lodgings
例句 It is a jeopardous thing in the night if the enemy enter into our lodgings.敌人夜晚进入我们的住处是件冒险的事。David had changed his lodgings, leaving no address behind.戴维换了一间租屋,没留下地址。For fear of discovery he changed his lodgings every night.为了怕被人发现,他每夜换一个住宿的地方。She was given free board and lodgings at the school where she worked.她工作的学校给她提供免费食宿。I parted from him at his lodgings.我在他的住所与他告别。Many of the single men found lodgings in the surrounding villages.许多单身汉在周围的村子里租房居住。She returned to the cosy / cozy confines of her lodgings on the second floor.她回到了自己位于二楼的温馨住所。The Henstocks were lucky enough to find lodgings in the village while they awaited a new home.亨斯托克一家人很幸运,他们在等着搬新家的时候,在村子里租到了一个公寓。She's going to stay in lodgings until she finds a place of her own.她在找到地方自己住之前,打算租住别人的公寓。Paul found lodgings in the Marylebone Road.保罗在马里勒本路寻到了出租的房间。Pretty soon after my arrival I found lodgings.我到达之后,很快就找到了住处。When he reached his lodgings the sun had set.他到达公寓房间时,太阳已下山了。He dislikes being hutched in lodgings.他不喜欢关在屋子里。Many of the men found lodgings in the surrounding villages.这些男子中很多人在周围的村子里租房居住。Their lodgings were always kept with a soldierly cleanliness and order.他们的住处总是保持著军人般的清洁整齐。It can be difficult to find inexpensive lodgings in the city.在这个城市里很难找到便宜的住所。He found lodgings with a family near the university.他在大学附近的一户人家找到了住处。




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