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词汇 lock on
例句 I keep meaning to put a lock on it, but I never get round to it.我一直想加个锁,但总是拖着没做。I need to fit a lock on the door.我得在门上安把锁。The hotels replaced their mortise locks on guest rooms with magnetic card readers.宾馆把客房门上的插锁换成了磁卡阅读器。Most cars are now fitted with child safety locks on the back doors.多数小轿车现在都在后门配置了儿童安全锁。It's quite easy to pick the lock on a car door.撬开汽车门锁轻而易举。A lock on the suitcase might signal that there's something of value inside.手提箱上的锁表明里面可能有贵重物品。His radar would not lock on, would not recognize the target.他的雷达不会自动跟踪、不会识别该目标。They had to force the lock on the trunk.他们不得不撬开行李箱上的锁。I forced the lock on the cupboard to see what was inside.我撬开壁橱的锁,看看里面有什么。I glanced round frantically, and my gaze locked on to one of the labelled shelves, and seemed to zero in.我发疯般地四处扫视,接着目光锁定到了其中一个有标签的架子上,似乎找准了目标。He appears to have a lock on the nomination for governor. 他似乎对赢得州长提名把握十足。Does your key fit the lock on the garage door?你的钥匙能开车库的门锁吗?I'm sorry, there isn't a lock on the bathroom door.对不起,浴室门上没有锁。The missile locked on the target.导弹锁定了目标。An extra lock on the door is an added insurance against burglars.门上再加一把锁是额外的防盗保障。As a gesture to security, we fitted locks on all the windows.我们在所有的窗户上都装了锁,以示对安全问题的态度。The locks on the doors were solid and strong.门上的锁都很坚固结实。He had the operation after his knee locked on the training ground.他的膝盖在训练场上变得僵直,因此做了这个手术。Agent Cooper stood back and took a shot at the lock on the door.库珀探员往后退,朝门上的锁开了一枪。Someone has meddled with the lock on this door.有人撬过这扇门上的锁。He has been able to get a lock on the nomination.他已经能够稳获提名。An intruder forced open a lock on French windows at the house.有人强行撬开落地窗上的锁闯入屋里。Someone had tampered with the lock on my door.有人弄坏了我门上的那把锁。There seems to be no danger that the company will lose its lock on the industry.该公司似乎并不存在失去行业主导地位的危险。Smith closed with his opponent, trying to put a lock on his arm.史密斯逼近对手,想把对手的臂膀夹住。His eyes were locked on her as she walked across the room. 她穿过房间时,他两眼紧盯着她不放。Both factions thought they had a lock on the latest trend.两个派别均认为自己完全掌握了最新动向。He used a knife to pick the lock on the front door.他用一把小刀撬开了前门的锁。




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