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词汇 sunset
例句 There is no sunset however beautiful, no joke however funny, no movie, no meal that I can enjoy only by myself.如果我孤独一人,那么无论看到多么美丽的日落,听到多么好笑的笑话,看任何电影,品任何佳肴,我都不会有一丝感觉。We worked from sunup to sunset.我们从日出工作到日落。The hikers set up camp just before sunset.远足者们赶在太阳落山之前建好了营区。I was fascinated by the glory of the sunset.落日的壮观把我吸引住了。The sunset deepened from a pale yellow to a bright orange.夕阳从淡黄到鲜橙红,逐渐变浓。The sunset splashed the sky with red.夕阳把天空染成了红色。We arrived just before sunset. 我们刚好在日落前到达。After sunset there were a few lingerers on the beach.日落后,海滩上仍有几个流连忘返的人。We worked from sunrise to sunset.我们日出而作,日落而息。He gazed out at the sunset bloodying the sky over the west bank.他望着远处染红西岸天空的夕照。We take the flag down at sunset.我们黄昏时降旗。There was a red sunset over Paris.巴黎的天空映着红色的晚霞。At the end of the film, the two of them ride off into the sunset.在电影的结尾,他们俩过上了幸福的新生活。We sat on the beach watching a spectacular sunset.我们坐在海滩上观看壮丽的晚霞。At sunset, darkness enveloped the town.太阳落山了,黑暗吞噬了整个镇。Ilike to walk around the lake at sunset.我喜欢傍晚时分沿着湖边漫步。The Grand Canyon is best seen at sunset.大峡谷日落时最美。The last orange tint of sunset dissolved into lilac-grey twilight.橙色落日余晖渐渐变成紫褐的暮色。The sunset was making great splashes of fiery opalescence across the sky.夕阳将大片天空染成色彩变幻的火红色。The sunset was serenely beautiful.那晚霞宁静而美丽。It was a beautiful sunset, the likes of which I've never seen before. 我从未见过如此美丽的晚霞。A golden sunset behind the old manor house threw it into sharp relief against the sky.这座古老的庄园在夕阳余晖的映衬下格外醒目。At the end of the movie, the hero rides off into the sunset.影片结束时,主人公骑马奔向远方。The hikers decided to pitch/make camp just before sunset.远足者们决定在日落前扎营。The postcard shows a sunset on the beach.明信片上画的是海滩日落的风景。They sat in the last glow of the sunset.他们在落日的余晖下坐着。It is seen in the sky after sunset.日落后可在天空中看到它。There was a spectacular sunset last night.昨天的日落非常壮观。We sat and watched the sunset.我们坐着看日落。Towards sunset, the rain began to taper off.近日落时分,雨渐渐减弱了。The painter tried to depict the splendour of the sunset.画家试图描绘出日落的壮丽景象。We sat and watched the glorious sunset from across the Mekong river.我们坐在湄公河对岸观赏着壮丽的日落景象。A beautiful sunset is an awesome sight.太阳下山时的美丽景色令人叹为观止。As the hero rides into the sunset, the screen fades to black. 当男主角策马奔向夕阳时,屏幕渐渐暗淡下来。Prayers begin at sunset.祈祷从日落开始。Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.由于站的位置视角好,他刚好能看见日落。The calendar gives you sunset times as well as moon phases.日历上不仅有月相还有日落时间。The temperature would drop dramatically after sunset.日落后气温会急剧下降。The dance ends at sunset.舞会在日落时分结束。We broke our fast just after sunset.太阳刚一落山我们就开斋了。




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