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词汇 sunny
例句 Place the plant in a bright sunny position.把植物放在一个光照充足的位置。We're having the party in the garden, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.我们要在花园里举行聚会,所以我正祈祷那天会阳光明媚。The weather forecast is for dry, sunny spells.天气预报说是持续干燥的晴天。It's gorgeously sunny outside.外面阳光明媚。The weather report was for clear and sunny.气象报告说是晴天。Today will be mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent showers.今天大部分时间天气晴朗,有间断阵雨。It was a cold, sunny day in early spring.那是早春时一个寒冷的晴天。It's going to be sunny all day.全天都将阳光明媚。The weather will be warm and sunny for most of the week.这周绝大部分的时候将是晴朗和煦的天气。It was cool and sunny when we left this morning.我们早上走的时候天气凉爽而且晴朗。There is a chance of sunny spells in the West.西部可能会有一段天气晴朗的日子。I hate being cooped up inside working when its a sunny day outside.我讨厌在外面阳光灿烂的时候自己被囚在室内工作。Sue had a sunny disposition and a warm smile.休性格开朗,脸上总带着亲切的微笑。If it's sunny later, we can go to the park.如果待会儿出太阳的话,我们就可以去公园了。Their arms about each other, they would sit in a sunny corner.他们常搂抱着坐在充满阳光的角落里。He had a sunny disposition.他的性格很阳光。Tomorrow should be sunny but there's just a chance of showers in the afternoon.明天应该是阳光明媚,但下午可能有阵雨。Residents were mowing their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise idling away a pleasant, sunny day.居民们有的在修剪草坪,有的在洗车,还有的在无所事事地享受阳光灿烂的怡人时光。You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。Next morning dawned clear and sunny, with a stiff breeze rustling the trees.次日一大早,天空晴朗无云,大风吹得树木沙沙作响。These plants will grow happily in a sunny or partially shaded spot.这些植物在阳光充足或有部分光线照射的地方长势良好。The sunny savanna yields no food.这个阳光充裕的无树平原不产食物。Let's cross over to the sunny side of the street.我们穿过街道到有阳光的一面吧。The morning dawned bright and sunny.天一破晓便阳光明媚。These plants will flourish in a sunny sheltered position.这些植物在阳光充足、不经风雨的地方会生长茂盛。Her sunny smile vanished as she read the letter.她读到这封信时,脸上愉快的笑容消失了。The weather is usually dry and sunny at this time of year.每年这个时候的天气通常晴朗干燥,阳光明媚。She is, by nature, a sunny, positive kind of person.她本性是那种乐观开朗、积极向上的人。It was always good to see her sunny smile.看到她快乐的笑容总是会令人开心。Hers was an essentially sunny cast of mind.她本性上属于阳光开朗的性格。On sunny days the trails are full of hikers.天气晴朗的日子里,这些小径上远足者络绎不绝。Plant the daisies in a sunny place.将维菊种在阳光充足的地方。The weather tomorrow will be sunny and dry.明天天气是阳光充足而干燥。The living areas boast a sunny northerly aspect.起居室都朝北,阳光充足。It was a beautiful sunny day and not too cold.那是个美丽的阳光普照的日子,不太冷。Wet clothes dry quickly on a sunny day.在阳光充足的日子里,湿衣服很快就能干。Blue can be used to tone down very sunny rooms.可以用蓝色使阳光十分充足的房间变得柔和些。There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.今天下午天气晴好,间有零星阵雨。The outlook for the weekend is good, with warm, sunny weather expected to last until Monday.本周末天气形势良好, 晴暖天气可望延至下周一。They basked themselves on the sunny beach.他们在充满阳光的海滩上晒太阳。




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