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词汇 astounded
例句 This remark astounded me.这种说法使我大为震惊。We were astounded to discover a valuable painting in the attic.发现阁楼里有一幅值钱的画,我们惊呆了。She was astounded by his arrogance.她为他的傲慢感到震惊。My father's reaction astounded me. How could he be so calm!父亲的反应让我很惊讶,他怎么会如此镇静!He was astounded that I felt the way I did.我会有这样的感觉,他感到震惊。The astounded audience watched in amazement.惊愕的观众们看得目瞪口呆。Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because it had all been arranged without her knowledge.奶奶很吃惊,我想还有点儿生气,因为所有这些安排都没有告诉过她。Joe was simply astounded to hear their news.乔听到他们的消息时的确大吃一惊。The judge's decision astounded everyone.法官的判决使大家深感震惊。I was astounded by its beauty.它的美丽震撼了我。I am astounded at the comments made by the Chief Superintendent.主管的评语让我大吃一惊。The whole town was astounded to hear of a plan to build an office building right next to the lake.听到计划要在湖边造一栋办公大楼,全镇的人都感到震惊。Everton admits to being astounded at the popularity of the book.埃弗顿承认这本书的畅销让他感到吃惊。They were astounded to hear that I was still in Sydney.他们听说我还在悉尼,非常震惊。Her precocious mathematical ability astounded her parents.她那早慧的数学能力令她的父母非常吃惊。I was astounded by her beauty.我为她的美丽感到震惊。Karen was overjoyed but astounded when she fell pregnant.卡伦得知怀孕时非常高兴,但也很吃惊。I was astounded that the mayor had taken bribes.市长接受贿赂,这使我大吃一惊。We climbed out of the hole right in front of two astounded policemen.我们从洞里爬出来,迎面就是两名警察,他们满脸惊讶。They astounded audiences with their fanciful costumes and their fascinating tales.他们的奇装异服和奇趣的故事让观众惊诧。She was astounded by/at the number of people in the room.看到房间里有那么多人,她大吃一惊。




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