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词汇 living together
例句 She disapproves of unmarried couples living together.她反对未婚男女同居。Even though we're living together we walk around in this cocoon of silence.尽管我们生活在一起,但却形同路人。My parents aren't living together any more.我的父母不再住在一起了。They're not married, they're living together.他们没有结婚,他们住在一起。They don't believe in living together before marriage.他们认为婚前同居不好。After spending a month living together, they have gained a better understanding of each other.一起生活了一个月之后,他们增进了对彼此的了解。It is rumoured that he and his secretary are living together.谣传他和他的秘书同居。When we started living together we realized how incompatible we were - our interests were so different.开始共同生活后,我们发现彼此是多么合不来——我们的兴趣差别太大了。They have been living together for eight years.他们已经共同生活了八年。There're several families living together in that house — it's a funny setup.那所房子里有好几户人家住在一起,这是一种古怪的安排。They have decided to regularize their living together by getting married.他们决定正式结婚,以使同居合法化。We really got on each other's nerves when we were living together.我们住在一起时确实闹得不可开交。It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible.等到开始生活在一起时,才发现我们根本合不来。




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