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We moved to a little house in the country and tried to live as frugally as possible.我们搬到乡下的一所小房子去,过着尽可能节俭的生活。I'd grown fond of our little house and felt sad to leave it.我已经慢慢喜欢上了我们的小屋,要离开它我很伤心。They lived in a quaint little house.他们住在一幢老式而别致的小房子里。We've set our hearts on this little house in the country.我们渴望得到这幢乡村小屋。She wished she were back in her snug little house.她希望自己还在她那温暖而舒适的小屋里。A narrow road wound up the hillside towards the little house.一条窄路曲曲折折地往山坡上延伸,通向那幢小房子。Theirs is that little house with the big tree outside.他们的家是那栋屋外有棵大树的小屋。So they left her in the neat little house, alone with her memories.于是他们把她一个人留在整洁的小房子里,只有记忆陪着她。They bought a nice little house near the beach.他们在海滩附近买了一栋漂亮的小房子。They live in a sweet little house.他们住在一座漂亮的小房子里。She was brought up in a tatty little house that has since been pulled down.她是在一间破陋的小屋里被抚养长大的,后来那屋被拆掉了。They left her in the neat little house, alone with her memories.于是他们把她一个人留在整洁的小房子里,只有记忆陪着她。There are trees circling our little house.有一圈树围绕着我们的小房子。She's got the nicest little house not far from the library.她有一幢非常漂亮的小房子,就在离图书馆不远处。They were an average family living a boring life in a nondescript little house in the suburbs.他们是一个普普通通的家庭,住在郊区一栋毫不起眼的小房子里,生活平淡无味。 |