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词汇 超级大国
例句 The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal.昨天在白宫举行一个仪式上,这两个超级大国的领导人签订了一项贸易协定,让世人大吃一惊。We are entering a period of less danger insofar as the threat of nuclear war between the superpowers is less.超级大国之间发生核战争的威胁变小了,从这一点上来说,我们正进入一个危险较少的时期。The ambassador was being used as a pawn in the struggle between the two superpowers.这位大使在两个超级大国的争斗中被用成一颗棋子。The United States, as the world's only remaining superpower, must continue making arms control a central element of its foreign policy.美国作为世界唯一现存的超级大国,必须继续把军备控制作为其对外政策的中心点。It is difficult to persuade the superpowers to disarm.要说服超级大国裁军是很难的。The Superpowers turned to the harder task of cutting their nuclear arsenals…超级大国开始着手削减核武器库这项更为艰难的工作。The United States could claim to be both a military and an economic superpower.美国在军事和经济上都称得上是超级大国He hinted at a bigger presence for the U.S. military in the Asian Pacific region where China is emerging as a superpower.他暗示美国军队将较大规模部署在亚太地区,在那里中国正渐渐成为超级大国Both superpowers shared the same instinct for self-preservation.两个超级大国均有相同的自保本能。Visiting statesmen will get equal treatment, whether they represent a superpower or a microstate.来访的政治家们,不论代表超级大国还是代表超小国家,都将受到同等待遇。Since the disintegration of the USSR, there has been only one superpower - the US自从苏联解体后,世界上就只剩下了一个超级大国——美国。A multipolar world has replaced the uncomplicated certainties of two superpowers.一个多极的世界取代了由两个超级大国所形成的单一而又固定不变的局面。Given the strength of pressure on both sides, the superpowers may well have difficulties sponsoring negotiations.迫于来自对方的强大压力,两个超级大国想要组织谈判肯定会有困难。He emphasized the wider issue of superpower cooperation.他强调了超级大国合作这一更重要的议题。The two superpowers threatened each other with nuclear annihilation.两个超级大国都威胁要用核武器毁灭对方。The superpowers pledged to maintain symmetry in their arms shipments.超级大国承诺在武器运输方面保持均衡发展。He shudders at the prospect of presiding over the degradation of the U. S. into a bargain-basement superpower.在美国沦为次等超级大国之际当美国总统的前景使他不寒而栗。The current sole superpower is far from being a disinterested observer.当前唯一的超级大国远不是一个公正的旁观者。He emphasised the wider issue of superpower cooperation.他强调了超级大国合作这一更重要的议题。It's a well-tried tactic to play down public expectations in advance of a superpower summit.超级大国的峰会之前降低公众的期望值是个屡试不爽的策略。Some people define detente as a live-and-let-live relationship between the superpowers.有些人认为缓和意味着超级大国之间的一种互相宽容的关系。




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