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词汇 lift
例句 Could you lift your chair a little- I've got my coat caught under it.你能把椅子稍微抬一下吗——我的大衣被压住了。I strained my back trying to lift the couch.我试着抬沙发时扭伤了背部。I had to lift the box down from the top shelf to the floor.我只好把箱子从架子顶层搬到地板上。The promotion gave her a real lift.提升使她的情绪大为振奋。She would say she was going my way and offer me a lift.她会说和我同路,可以载我一程。We could hear the gospel groups lift up their voices.我们可以听到唱福音歌曲的人群提高了声调。Between the four of them they managed to lift her into the ambulance.他们四人合力把她抬上了救护车。I think Steve managed to bum a lift home.我想史蒂夫是硬要搭人家的车回家的。Can you just lift the table for a second?.你把桌子抬起来一下好吗?A man asked if we could give him a lift.一个男人问我们能否让他搭便车。Birds of prey use warm air currents to lift them high in the sky.猛禽利用暖气流升上高空。Sorry, the lift is out of service.对不起,电梯停用了。I took him by the arm and guided him to the lift.我抓着他的手臂,把他领到电梯那儿。They will not lift a finger to help their country.他们不愿为自己的国家出一点儿力。Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image.伸手搭便车曾经给人以轻松随意的形象。Police knew there would be a fight, but they didn't lift a finger to try and stop it.警方明知会有斗殴事件发生,但是却不采取任何措施去阻止。Birds use thermals to lift them through the air.鸟类利用上升热气流升入空中。I have so many chores to do, and my sister won't lift a finger to help me.我有很多家务要做,可妹妹一点儿忙也不帮。He was determined to lift the curtain on the scandal.他下定决心要揭露那丑闻。The plastic surgeon performed a face-lift for her.美容师为她整容。I wish there were some way I could help lift this load from his shoulders.我多么希望能有办法帮他卸下肩上的重担。The royal forces marched south to lift the siege of Donnington Castle.皇家部队向南挺进以解唐宁顿城堡之围。Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago he hasn't dared to get back into one.自从一年前被困在电梯里之后,他就再也没敢乘过电梯。When you ring the alarm it immobilizes the lift.按下警铃会使电梯停下来。She's planning to get a face-lift.她打算去做面部拉皮手术。A brisk walk in the fresh air can lift your mood.在清新空气中轻松散步能够令人精神振奋。Tim doesn't lift a finger when it comes to housework.蒂姆从不帮忙做家务事。Winning the semi-final gave the team a huge lift.赢了半决赛令该队大受鼓舞。Her shoulder muscles had become so weak that she could not lift her arms.她肩部的肌肉软弱无力,连胳膊都无法举起来。You can usually hitch a lift in someone's pick-up.你通常都能够搭上别人的便车。The policemen are trying to lift fingerprints on the window.警察正设法取得窗子上留下的指印。He is strong enough to lift that rock.他力气很大,能举起那块石头。He wound a handle and the lift ground to a halt.他拧转把手,升降梯猛然停住。I held the lift so that she could get in.我停住电梯让她进来。A weight lifter can lift a very heavy weight.举重运动员能举起很重的重物。The workmen used a crane to lift sacks of cement from the ship.工人们用起重机把水泥包吊下船来。I'll give you a lift/ride to the station. 我开车把你捎到车站。Can you make it under your own steam, or will you need a lift?你自己能行吗,要不要帮忙?Use only your biceps to perform the lift.只用你的二头肌做上举运动。We got into the lift and sailed to the top floor.我们进了电梯,很快到了顶层。




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