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词汇 lifeless
例句 The actors' performances were lifeless.演员们的表演死气沉沉的。Her eyes were sunken and lifeless.她双眼深陷且无神。The killer dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs.凶手把他们的尸体拖到了楼上。The offices are still empty and lifeless.办公室里依然空空荡荡,没有一个人。It was a desperately lifeless performance from Dundee.这是一个来自邓迪的非常沉闷的表演。Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom.那些冷血杀手那时已经将他们的尸体拖到楼上浴室里。The book's plot was lifeless and predictable.这本书的情节索然无味并且全在意料之中。She lay lifeless in the snow.她躺在雪地里,死了。With one exception his novels are shallow and lifeless things.他的小说都是些肤浅沉闷的玩意儿,只有一本除外。Her hair looked limp and lifeless.她的头发看起来软塌榻的,毫无生气。His handshake was cold, and his eyes lifeless.他握手时很冷淡,眼睛毫无生气。The acting was dull and rather lifeless.表演很乏味,也挺沉闷的。The surface of the moon is arid and lifeless.月球表面干旱,没有生命。His body was limp and almost lifeless.他全身无力,快要死了。Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless, but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals.干燥的石墙看起来也许荒凉且毫无生机,但它们为动植物提供了宝贵的栖息地。His lifeless body lay on the floor.他的尸体躺在地板上。She lay there, apparently lifeless.她躺在那儿,好像死了。The men found Dunlap's lifeless body slumped in the front seat of his car.那些人发现邓拉普僵死的身体瘫在他汽车的前座上。The snowy street, like the church, assumed a dumb, lifeless aspect.积雪覆盖的街道就像教堂一样,显得沉闷、毫无生气。He took the dead girl's hand. It felt cold and lifeless.他握住了死去女孩的手。那手摸上去冰冷僵硬,毫无生气。He managed to lighten the generally lifeless debate at times.他让这场总体很沉闷的辩论时不时迸出了些火花。His body was torpid and lifeless.他的身体已经麻木,毫无生气。There was no breathing or pulse and he was lifeless.没有呼吸也没有脉搏,他死了。She stared at the lifeless form on the driveway.她盯着车道上单调的影子。Most were lifeless problem novels.大多数都是些无趣的道德问题小说。The snowy street, like the church, assumed a lifeless aspect.积雪覆盖的街道如同教堂一样,显得毫无生气。It was made of plaster, hard and white and lifeless, bearing no resemblance to human flesh.它由石膏制成,坚硬苍白,毫无生命,与人的肌体没有任何相似之处。This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.这种护发素能够非常有效地修复干枯的头发。




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