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Few products have brand images anywhere near as strong as Levi's.像李维斯一样拥有强大品牌效应的产品屈指可数。Levi is best known for work in a very different mode from what is to be found here.利瓦伊最为人所知之处在于他的工作风格同这里的人迥然不同。Levi Strauss says counterfeits of the company's jeans are flooding Europe.利维·施特劳斯称仿冒其公司品牌的牛仔装正充斥着欧洲市场。The school has flourished under the leadership of Mr Levi.学校在莱维先生的领导下办得有声有色。Have you seen the new Levi jeans commercial?你看到李维斯新的牛仔裤广告了吗? |