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词汇 leverage
例句 They are determined to gain more political leverage.他们决心在政治上发挥更大影响。I have no leverage with the committee.我没有能力左右该委员会。He tried to push the door open, but he didn't have sufficient leverage.他试图推开门,但力气不够。The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.锹和耙的手柄较长,可以更好地发挥杠杆优势。One of the easiest ways to leverage a charitable gift is to get your employer to match it. 让一笔慈善捐赠款增加的最容易的办法是让你的雇主捐出同样多的钱。His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.他的市长身份使他有能力通过出席委员会会议来达成一些事情。Home equity is invaluable if you leverage it to build wealth.你的房产如果能作为贷款担保融资,那将极有价值。Using ropes and wooden poles for leverage, they haul sacks of cement up the track.利用绳子和木棍取得杠杆作用,他们把几大袋水泥从轨道上拖开。Without military leverage, peaceful mediation was not working.没有军事上的优势,和平调停就不起作用。I used the leverage of the bar and a wooden block to pry the rock out of the hole.我用撬杠和一块木头的杠杆作用把那块岩石从洞里弄出来了。His function as a mayor affords him the leverage to get things done.他的市长身份使他有能力做成一些事情。If the United Nations had more troops in the area, it would have greater leverage.如果联合国在该地区有更多的军队,就会有更大的影响力。The company wants to leverage its brands more effectively.公司想借其品牌来获取更大的利益。They suddenly had more leverage in negotiations.突然之间,他们在谈判中有了更大的影响力。Position the piece of wood so that maximum leverage can be applied.把这块木头放在最容易使上劲儿的地方。The player's popularity has given him a great deal of leverage with the owners of the team.这位球员的名气让球队老板们不敢等闲视之。The union's size gave it leverage in the labor contract negotiations.工会巨大的规模使其在劳工合同谈判中很有影响力。




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