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词汇 letting
例句 They don’t hold with letting children watch as much TV as they want.他们不同意让孩子们随心所欲地看电视。A simmering row ended with her letting fly with a stream of obscenities.激烈的争吵最后以她一连串的污言秽语宣告结束。They did us a big favor by letting us stay there, you know.你知道,他们帮了个大忙,让我们住在那里。He was content standing aside, letting fate take its course.他甘愿置身事外,一切听天由命。She doubted the propriety of letting him buy her presents.她拿不准让他为她买礼物是否得体。Could you see your way to letting us borrow the machine on Wednesday?你能否同意我们星期三借用一下机器?We made the mistake of letting my sister in on the plan, and she, of course, told my parents.我们犯了个错误,让妹妹也知道了这个计划,她自然就去告诉了父母。The government are letting them get away with daylight robbery.政府对他们的漫天要价听之任之。We believe in letting everyone have the right to see their own medical records.我们认为应该让每个人都有权利查看自己的病历。Kids raced around the playground, banging into each other, screaming, and letting off steam.孩子们在操场上相互追逐,撞来撞去,尖叫着释放他们过剩的体力。The children are letting off firecrackers.孩子们在燃放鞭炮。I'm going to stop letting drugs and drink rule my life.我决心不再让毒品和酒精控制我的生活。I don't care if all the other parents are letting their kids do it; I still don't approve.就算其他家长全都让他们的孩子这样做我也不在乎,我还是不赞成。She's letting herself in for a lot of trouble/criticism.她正面临着许多麻烦/批评。She's letting her hair grow a little.她在把头发留长些。He felt mean about not letting the children go to the zoo.没有让孩子们去动物园,他感到很惭愧。From now on, I'm not letting anyone borrow my car.从现在开始我不让任何人借我的汽车了。He abused my confidence by letting this secret be known.他泄露了这个秘密,辜负了我的信任。They kept me on the cuff, letting my tab grow higher and higher.他们老让我赊账,弄得我债台高筑。The man who kept us waiting was just letting us cool our bottoms.那让我们久等的人实际上就是把我们晾在一边了。She didn't know what she was letting herself in for when she married John.嫁给约翰时,她都不知道这会给自己带来什么样的麻烦。There have been cases of thieves posing as telephone engineers to trick people into letting them into their homes.有这样几宗案子,窃贼们冒充电话技工,以此来蒙骗人们让他们进入家里。What's the harm in letting her leave early? = I don't see any harm in letting her leave early. = There's no harm in letting her leave early. 让她提前离开有什么不好呢?Instructors should demonstrate new movements before letting the class try them.在班里的学员尝试新的动作前教练应该进行示范。Close the door. You're letting the bugs in.关上门,你让虫子进来了。The city is letting useful housing stand empty.这个城市正任由可使用的住房闲置。He lingered over the chocolate cake, letting each forkful slowly dissolve in his mouth.他细细地品尝巧克力蛋糕,让每一口蛋糕在嘴里慢慢溶化。He is letting out the rope hand over hand.他双手交替着一节节放出绳索。Hopefully a satisfactory solution can be reached without much blood letting.有望在不引起严重内讧的情况下达成一个满意的解决方案。I have no intention of letting you balls it up.我不想让你把这个搞砸了。It was a bad move letting him come here in the first place.让他来这里首先就是错误的一步。I must apologize for not letting you know sooner.没有早些让你知道,我得道歉。She swung round, letting fly with a massive punch which grazed Patrick's shoulder.她突然转身,狠狠地给了帕特里克一拳,打伤了他的肩头。Republicans show no signs of letting up on that issue.共和党人丝毫没有在那个问题上手下留情的意思。She has a hard time relaxing and letting herself go.她很难让自己放松下来,无拘无束。After applying a thin layer of paint to the wall and letting it dry, apply another coat.在墙上涂一层薄漆并晾干之后,再涂一层。All night he monopolized the conversation, not letting anyone else get a word in.整个晚上都是他一个人在说话,其他人一句话也插不进。He had no intention of letting the Foreign Secretary steal any of his thunder.他并没有打算让外交大臣抢一点他的风头。The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.生态灾难一部分是由于为提高产量就疯狂发展一切而发生的。He has been accused of letting personal feuds affect his judgement.他被指责让个人恩怨影响了他的判断。




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