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词汇 lesser
例句 He's convinced the voters that he is the lesser of two evils.他使投票人深信他们两个中他还稍微好一些。A lesser man wouldn't have admitted he was wrong.若是品行较差的男人,他不会承认自己错了。They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.他们承认了刑事损害这一较轻的罪名。If a major university can not afford such a programme, then, a fortiori, neither can a lesser institution.倘若连主要的大学都没有财力举办这样一个项目,小一些的学校就更不必谈了。Picasso looms largest of all, but there are also some fine things by a range of lesser knowns.毕加索的作品是最抢眼的,但也有些佳作出自知名度没那么高的画家之手。Don't waste time on these lesser matters.别把时间浪费在那些无关紧要的事情上。But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain.但当时是困难时期,脆弱的人肯定会被压力压垮。Most companies operate in conditions that are to a greater or lesser extent competitive.大多数公司的经营多少都面临着一些竞争。He's a big star now. He doesn't waste his time talking to mere/lesser mortals like you and me.他现在是大牌明星,不会浪费时间与你我这样的小人物说话的。We were all disappointed to a greater or lesser degree.我们或多或少地都有些失望。We stayed on one of the lesser-known Greek islands.我们停留在希腊一个不太知名的岛屿上。The responsibility lies with Harris and, to a lesser extent, Clarke.责任在哈里斯和克拉克,后者的责任较小。The two discs also contain two of Britten's lesser-known song-cycles.这两张唱片还包含了布里顿两首不甚知名的声乐套曲。In the canon of Shakespeare, Pericles is considered one of the Bard of Avon's lesser works.在莎士比亚作品名录中,《泰尔亲王佩力克里斯》被认为是这位埃文河畔诗圣的次要作品之一。They originally asked for $5 million, but finally settled for a lesser sum.他们原先要五百万美元,但最后同意少一些。This new tax affects the middle class and, to a lesser extent, the rich.这一新税种影响到中产阶层,其次对富人也有一定影响。People voted for him as the lesser of two evils.人们把票投给他只不过是两害相权取其轻罢了。Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus.学生扮演一些次要角色,并且参与合唱。The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.森林污染对植物有严重的影响,对野生动物也有一定影响。Traffic congestion is a problem in the city and, to a lesser extent, the suburbs. 城区有交通堵塞问题,郊区也有,只是程度较轻。He was flanked by two officers of lesser rank.他两侧是两位级别较低的官员。It will affect farmers in Spain and to a lesser extent in France.这将影响到西班牙的农民,其次会影响到法国农民。A lesser man than he might have simply given up.力气没他大的人可能就此放弃。She pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.她承认了一项罪责较轻的指控。I was very tired. To a lesser extent so was he.我累极了。他也很累,但比我稍好些。They had to sacrifice lesser goods for greater ones.为了大义,他们只能牺牲小义。This new tax affects everyone to a greater or lesser extent. 这一新税种对每个人都有或大或小的影响。She agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge.她对一项较轻的罪行认了罪。She was encouraged by her mother and, to a lesser extent, her father.她得到她母亲的鼓励,其次是父亲的。No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.任何药物治疗都不是单独起作用的,而是或多或少受到其他许多因素的影响。One suspects that hydropower is still the lesser evil.有人觉得水力发电仍旧是两害中之较轻者。These trees will thrive, to a greater or lesser degree, in a number of climates.这些树在各种气候条件下会呈现出不同程度的长势。This sort of job is a lesser evil than unemployment.这种工作聊胜于失业。One suspects that hydro power is still the lesser evil.有人认为水力发电仍旧是两害相较取其轻。But allowing a criminal to go free is perhaps the lesser of two evils if the alternative is imprisoning an innocent person.放走一个罪犯也许比把一个无辜者关进监狱要好一些。She dines in the executive suite, while we lesser mortals use the staff cafeteria.她在经理套房用膳,而我们这些小民则是在职工餐厅用餐。The defendant entered a guilty plea to a lesser charge of manslaughter.被告认罪,以期获得对他过失杀人罪的从轻处罚。The more obvious potential allies are Ireland, Denmark and, to a lesser degree, the Netherlands.最可能成为盟国的有爱尔兰和丹麦,放宽些还可以把荷兰算上。Vessels commonly used for grafting are the greater or lesser saphenous veins and basilic veins.用于移植的血管通常来自大隐静脉、小隐静脉和贵要静脉。The more obvious potential allies are Ireland, Denmark, and, to a lesser degree, the Netherlands.更显而易见的潜在同盟是爱尔兰、丹麦,以及可能性略小的荷兰。




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