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词汇 lenient
例句 Loosely speaking, parents can be categorized into three groups: prescriptive, lenient and inconsistent parents.概括地讲,父母可以分为三种:说一不二型、宽厚仁慈型和反复无常型。He was given a comparatively lenient fine.他被处以相对较轻的罚金。He received an unexpectedly lenient sentence.出乎意料的是,他受到的判决很轻。The younger teachers generally had a more lenient attitude towards their students.年轻教师对待学生的态度一般都会宽容一些。The prosecution complained that Gutierrez's sentence was far too lenient.控方抱怨说对古提雷兹的量刑太轻。The teacher was lenient both in his marking of homework and also in his treatment of offenders.教师批改作业打分松,对犯规学生处理也宽。Professor Oswald takes a sightly more lenient view.奥斯瓦尔德教授的观点更加温和一些。Drug use rose after police tried a more lenient approach.警方尝试使用更为温和的手段后,吸毒的势头上升了。He believes the government already is lenient with drug traffickers.他认为政府对毒贩已经很宽容了。The examiners who marked her A-level paper were very lenient and gave her a pass.给她的高级程度考试试卷打分的考官很宽松,让她及格了。Many people felt that the punishment was too lenient.很多人认为这个惩罚太宽大了。As a first offender, he received a lenient sentence.因为是初犯,他被从宽量刑。The new pontiff adopted a more lenient attitude towards homosexualism.新任的主教对同性恋采取较为容忍的态度。The police are sometimes more lenient with female offenders.警方有时候对女性违法者比较宽大。Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars.一些警察指责法官对盗车贼和入室行窃的人量刑太轻。The legislation had resulted in more lenient treatment for child offenders.这项立法使未成年犯罪者得到更加宽大的处理。He is lenient in his criticism.他批评时很温和。School examiners say that marking has become more lenient in recent years.学校的阅卷人说近年来评分标准放宽了。He believes the government is already lenient with drug traffickers.他认为政府对毒贩子已经够宽容了。The appeal judge agreed that the original sentence was unduly lenient.上诉法官承认原判过轻。The prosecution lawyer challenged the sentence as being unduly lenient.控方律师提出质疑,认为判刑过轻了。




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