例句 |
He downed the champion with a left hook.他以一个左钩拳击倒了卫冕冠军。The boxer made a feint with his right, then followed with a left hook.拳击手用右拳虚晃一招,接着打了一个左勾拳。He smote his match to the ground with a left hook.他以一记左钩拳把对手击倒在地。He feinted with his right, then followed with a left hook.他用右拳虚晃一招,接着打了一个左勾拳。He hit him with a left hook to the jaw.他朝他的下巴来了一记左勾拳。Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock's big left hook.刘易斯无论如何得躲开拉多克凌厉的左钩拳才行。 |