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词汇 六人
例句 Six of them were murdered by Mafia hired assassins.他们当中有六人被黑手党雇佣的刺客暗杀了。Six people were injured when a train was derailed.火车脱轨导致六人受伤。The car holds up to six people.这辆车最多可容纳六人Police raided the gang's hideout on Thursday, arresting six people.星期四,警方突袭了这帮人的藏身地点,逮捕了六人Gunmen killed two people and wounded six others in an attack today.在今天的袭击中,枪手打死了两人,打伤了六人Groups of six and above need reservations.六人六人以上团体需要预订。There were six of us in the expedition and we each had different reasons for taking part.探险队共有六人,每个人都抱着不同目的来参加。Thirty-six people died in the blast.有三十六人在爆炸中丧生。Following the shoot-out six people were dead and three were wounded.枪战过后,有六人死亡三人受伤。There were ten in favour, six against, and five `don't knows'.有十人赞成,六人反对,还有五人不置可否。Under the current rules, you need the agreement of at least 6 out of 10 committee members.根据现有的规则,你必须取得委员会十位成员中至少六人的同意。This recipe makes enough minestrone soup for four to six servings.照这菜谱做的意大利蔬菜浓汤够四至六人吃。One in six of us suffers stomach troubles on foreign holidays.出国度假时,每六人中就有一人感到胃部不适。Six people were killed in a suspected arson attack on a hotel.一家宾馆怀疑被纵火,造成六人死亡。Ira Louvin was killed in a crash in Montana that also took the lives of six other people.艾拉·卢万死于蒙大拿州的一起车祸,这起车祸还夺去了另外六人的性命。The bomb killed six people and badly injured a seventh.爆炸造成六人丧生,另有一人重伤。




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