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词汇 lease
例句 The band has given this style of music a new lease on life.这个乐队的演奏使这种风格的音乐再度流行起来。The lease is granted for a set term of years.租约按约定为固定年期。They moved out and the lease was surrendered.他们搬了出来,租约也就放弃了。A landlord may retain part of your deposit if you break the lease.如果你违反租约,房东可能会扣下你的部分押金。The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan.波士顿美术馆已经签了合同,将部分展品租赁给日本的一家博物馆。The landlord agreed to renew our lease for another year.房东同意让我们续租一年。Larry's landlord threatened not to renew his lease.拉里的房东威胁说不跟他续租。Now I have to decide if I should re-up my lease/contract.现在我得决定是否应该续签我的租约/合同。They lease the site from the council.他们向市政会租来这块场地。After they made the movie, the book got a new lease on life. 拍成电影后,这本书再度风靡起来。Internet start-ups are being helped by companies willing to lease them Web servers and space.互联网新兴公司得到了一些愿意向他们出租网络服务器和网络空间的公司的帮助。The operation has given me a new lease of life.手术使我重获新生。The company plans to sell or lease its remaining stores to other supermarkets.公司打算把余下的商店出售或出租给其他超级市场。To achieve the purposes of pollination, some farmers would lease their land for free so beekeepers can set up their apiaries.为了达到传播花粉的目的,有的农夫会将他们的土地免费租给养蜂人来设立蜂房。The lease expires next month. = The lease runs out next month.租约下月到期。I'll lease out that land down there to the hunting clubs.我将把下面那块土地出租给打猎俱乐部。You must satisfy the terms of your lease.你必须满足租约里的条款。The rain delay gave the tired players a new lease on life.比赛因雨顺延,这使得疲劳的球员得以重新变得生气勃勃。A lease usually contains several conditions about the use of the property.租约通常包含有关该项财产如何使用的若干条件。The lease runs for two more years.租约有效期还有两年。She renews her lease every year.她每年都续租。We were going to renew our lease, but the landlord threw a wrench into the works by increasing the rent.我们打算续租,但是房东涨房租破坏了我们的计划。The lease on this house expires at the end of the year.这房子的租约年底到期。This medicine gives patients a new lease on life.这种药物使病人重获新生。If you upgrade computers regularly, it may work out cheaper to lease them.如果你的计算机要经常升级的话,可能长期租用更便宜。A jet on lease to a rock group has been wrecked by vandals.租给一支摇滚乐队的喷气式飞机被恶意破坏者严重毁坏了。It's a six-month lease but it's renewable.租期是六个月,但是可以续签。Theatres lease films from film distributors.影院从电影发行商那里租影片。The lease on our house is near the end of its term.我们房子的租赁期快满了。A freeholder may grant a lease of any duration.房地产的终身保有者可以给予任何期限的租约。The lease on the shop runs out soon.这家店的租约很快要到期了。She hopes to lease the building to students.她希望把大楼出租给学生。The lease has lapsed.这一租约已经失效。Tenants remain liable if they pass on their lease.如果房客将房子转租,他们仍承担责任。The supermarket chain agreed to lease the site to a non-food retailer.这家连锁超市同意将该地块出租给一家非食品零售商。Theater owners lease films from film distributors.剧院老板从电影发行商处租电影放映。They took out a five-year lease on the house.他们租下那栋房子,租约五年。Your signature on the lease will make our agreement formal.你在租契上签个字就使我们的协议符合法律手续了。The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan.波士顿美术博物馆已经签订合同,将其部分藏品租借给日本一家博物馆。This extra money could give some older hospitals a whole new lease of life.这笔额外的钱可以把一些较老的医院改造一新。




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