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例句 If I can digress for a moment, I'd like to briefly mention her earlier films.如果可以说点儿题外话,我想简单讲讲她早期的电影。I have something further to add with reference to what was said earlier.关于我先前说过的话,我想再补充一些。I might have fulfilled the work earlier.我本可以早一些完成这件工作的。She had woken even earlier than usual.她比平时醒得还早。I would like to qualify what I said earlier to avoid any misinterpretation.我想对我之前说的话做一个修正,以免引起误解。The play lacks the wit and energy of Jergen's earlier work.这部戏剧缺乏杰根早期作品中的智趣与活力。As a French teacher, I am well aware that the earlier a child learns a language, the better.作为法语老师,我清楚地知道孩子学习语言越早越好。It would have been better to have got it out of the way earlier.如果当时能早点结束就更好了。Can't you come a little earlier?你就不能早点来吗?I disagree with your earlier statement about my record on this issue.我不赞成你们先前对我在这件事情上的有关记录所做的声明。His recent films haven't measured up to his earlier works.他近期的电影不如早期作品。This aspect is discussed further by Crane, whom I mentioned earlier.我前面提到过的克兰对这方面作了进一步的论述。He was trying to redeem himself for his earlier failure.他正在试图挽回自己之前失败造成的影响。These problems should have been brought to light much earlier.这些问题早就该被发现了。These results agree with earlier studies.这些结果和之前的研究相符。The latest sunrise of the winter is Friday; from then on, the dark winter mornings get brighter earlier .今冬最晚的日出在周五,此后漆黑的冬日早晨会早点亮起来。Only a few of Leonardo's earlier paintings still survive.达·芬奇的早期画作只有少数几幅得以保存下来。He'd snared a rabbit earlier in the day.那天早一点的时候,他设套捉了一只兔子。She developed a musical interest earlier on.她在早年就对音乐产生了兴趣。The decision overturns the Supreme Court's earlier ruling.这一判决推翻了最高法院早先的裁定。There were many indirect references to his earlier books.有许多对他早期著作的间接引用。This was agreed at an earlier meeting.这一点在之前的一次会议上就已经达成一致了。The film fails to recapture the magic of his earlier films.这部电影没有再创他早期电影的神奇魅力。Mary came to see you earlier on, but you weren't at home then.玛丽早些时候来看过你,但你那时不在家。Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.本周早些时候两架客机在英格兰南部险些相撞,有关细节现已公布。This was sweet revenge for our defeat earlier in the season.本赛季早些时候我们输给了对手,这次可算是个令人痛快的复仇。In an earlier incarnation she was a rock musician.她早期是一名摇滚音乐人。The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.工会先前坚持工人应得到奖金,但现在已不再坚持了。The text varies from the earlier versions.这一文本与早期版本不同。The move west suggests a parallel with the earlier American pioneer experience.向西部迁移令人想起美国早期开拓者的相似经历。In a deep trance, the subject is taken back to an earlier stage of their life.在深度迷睡中,接受催眠的人回到了他们的早年。When the newspapers published the full story, all his earlier deceits were revealed.报纸报道事情全部经过之后,他以前的所有欺骗行径也就暴露无遗了。A woman with a very posh accent phoned for him earlier.一位谈吐高雅的女士早些时候打电话找他。He had earlier rowed with his girlfriend.他早先和女友吵过架。I phoned her up earlier today.我今天早些时候给她打过电话了。Her latest book is readable enough, but it can't hold a candle to her earlier work.她最新出版的书有一定的可读性,但不能同早期的作品媲美。He hurried up his work in order to go home earlier.他匆匆做完工作以便早点回家。I prefer his earlier paintings to his later ones.比起他晚年的画作,我更喜欢他的早期作品。They've just launched a new generation of computers that are much more powerful than earlier models.他们刚刚推出了比旧款功能强大许多的新一代计算机。The murder is thought to have been a tit-for-tat response by the Mafia to an earlier gangland killing.这宗凶杀案被认为是黑手党对早前的一宗黑帮杀人事件的复仇行为。




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