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词汇 eagles
例句 Ospreys are the best fish catchers, but they are often mistaken for the bald eagles.鱼鹰是最会抓鱼的鸟,但常与秃鹰混淆。Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles, cormorants, and the occasional whale.自然爱好者会留意鹰、鸬鹚和偶尔出现的鲸。Young eagles leave the nest after only two months.雏鹰仅仅两个月以后就会飞离巢穴。They watched the young eagles take flight.他们看着幼鹰展翅飞翔。He saw a pair of eagles, and shot the hen.他看见一对鹰,射中了那只雌的。Some eagles have a wing span of one and a half metres.有些鹰的翼展可达一米半。At last the essential feathers of the young eagles sprouted.幼鹰的正羽终于长出来了。Above the mountain, eagles circled in soundless flight.群鹰在山顶上方悄无声息地盘旋。I spent hours patiently watching the eagles.我花了数小时耐心地观察鹰。They say eagles used to nest in those rocks.他们说鹰以前经常把巢筑在那些岩石中。Fish at the surface of the water are easy prey for eagles.游在水面的鱼很容易成为老鹰的猎物。




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