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词汇 leaped
例句 My heart leaped at the sight of her.我见到她时心都要跳出来了。The fish leaped out of water and landed on the shore.鱼跃出水面落到岸上。They leaped into action. 他们立即行动起来。I leaped up to answer the phone.我跳起来去接电话。Rose immediately leaped to her feet.罗丝立即站起来。He leaped the horse across the ditch.他纵马跳过沟渠。Tessa leaped onto the boat just as it was moving away from the bank.小船正要离岸时,特莎跳了上去。He leaped through the window and was gone.他跳出窗就跑掉了。His heart leaped, suddenly afraid, at the vision of her having fallen overboard.一想到她或许已从船上落入水里,他的心就突然紧张得怦怦直跳。When other people accused her of being lazy, he leaped to her defense. 别人指责她懒惰时,他立刻开始为她辩护。At the sight of the snake, my heart leaped up.一看见蛇我的心就怦怦乱跳。The first number of the pictorial leaped straight to success.画报的创刊号一举成功。Her heart leaped with joy.她心花怒放。Both wrestlers leaped into the ring and began to crouch and spring about.两名摔跤运动员跳进摔跤台,开始弓起身子,满场跳跃着寻机进攻。She leaped at the chance eagerly.她急切地赶紧抓住这个机会。He almost leaped down the stairs when he heard who it was.得知此人是谁时,他几乎从楼梯上跳下来。A dark shadow leaped out of nowhere.一个黑影不知从哪儿跳了出来。He signalled a taxi from the rank, and leaped into it.他举手向停车处招来一辆出租车,一步跳进车内。Jealousy leaped alight in his bosom.妒火在他胸中升腾。He leaped into a wounded silence.他因自尊受损突然一声不吭。The sport of parachute jumping has leaped into a new era.跳伞运动已跃入一个新纪元。The cat suddenly leaped into the air.那只猫突然跃向空中。She leaped across the puddles.她跳过小水坑。When I offered a sum for the substitute teaching, he leaped at it.当我提出代课报酬金额后,他马上就答应了。He leaped out of his seat when he saw the rat.看到老鼠,他一下子从座位上跳了起来。He cracked the whip and the horse leaped forward.他甩了个响鞭,马就扬蹄向前奔去。The team leaped from last place to first place.这个队从排名垫底跃居首位。He leaped down from the ladder and ran over to her.他从梯子上一跃而下朝她奔去。The horse leaped the stone wall.那匹马越过了石墙。The boat leaped and lurched worse than any restive horse.船忽上忽下地剧烈颠簸,比最不听话的烈马还要难驾驭。The dog leaped over the gate into the field.狗越过大门朝田野跑去。She leaped to her feet, snatching up her bag.她跳了起来,迅速抓起包。Flames leaped from the burning house.火焰从燃烧的房子蹿上去。Brenda leaped the gate and ran across the field.布伦达跃过大门,跑过田野。He leaped out of bed when he heard the telephone.听到电话铃响他从床上一跃而起。The plainclothesmen suddenly leaped into action.便衣警察突然采取了行动。My heart leaped when I saw Paul at the airport.我在机场看到保罗时,我的心猛地一跳。She leaped clear of the water.她跳过水面。He leaped off the bridge.他从桥上跳了下去。The horse leaped over high fences.马跃过了高高的障碍。




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