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词汇 子弹
例句 They were gunned down in a hail of bullets.一阵密集的子弹将他们击倒。The darkness saved me from being riddled with bullets.身处黑暗中让我不至于被子弹打得浑身是洞。The sniper's bullets thudded into the wall.狙击手的子弹砰砰地打进墙里。The bullet buried itself in the wall.子弹射进了墙里。The bullet graze was beginning to throb savagely.子弹擦伤处开始猛烈地抽痛。The shot pierced his intestines in several places.子弹在好几处穿破了他的肠子。Bullets were flying in all directions.子弹向四处飞散。They were stitched by machine gun bullets.他们被机枪子弹连连射中。The bullet only grazed his shoulder.子弹只擦伤了他的肩膀。The bullet bedded itself in the wall.这颗子弹嵌进了墙内。The bullet missed his head by a hair.子弹差一点儿击中他的头。We now knew that we were trapped, with only a few rounds of ammunition left.我们现在知道自己被困住了,只剩下几发子弹We heard the sharp crack of a gun and the smack of a bullet striking sparks on a rock.我们听到噼啪一声枪响,子弹啪的一声打在岩石上,火星飞溅。Bullets whizzed by.子弹嗖嗖地飞过。The gun went off and the bullet went flying over his head.枪响了,子弹从他头上飞过。A fusillade of bullets filled the courtyard.院子里子弹横飞。For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work.对于战地记者来说,躲避狙击手的子弹是家常便饭。The bullet was lodged in his brain.子弹射进了他的头部。The bullet traveled straight and true.子弹准确地命中目标。The shot wounded her left arm.子弹打伤了她的左臂。The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.牛排老得嚼不动,豌豆像子弹一样硬。Birmingham Bullets are at home to Kingston.伯明翰子弹队在主场与金斯顿队对阵。The shot fell wide of the mark.子弹远未命中目标。Bullets were flying all over the place.子弹到处乱飞。He was lucky, the bullet just grazed his leg.他很幸运,子弹只是擦伤了他的腿。All day we were a sort of crossroad for shells and bullets.我们整天受到四面八方炮弹和子弹的袭击。The bullet flew straight as an arrow towards the bird.子弹径直朝鸟飞去。 The bullet shattered two panes of glass.子弹击碎了两块窗玻璃。The bullet passed through his shoulder.子弹穿过了他的肩膀。Bullets whistled past his head.一颗颗子弹呼啸着从他的脑袋边飞过。Each shot was smack on the bull's-eye.每发子弹都不偏不倚地打中靶心。The bullet entered his rib cage from the left side.子弹从左侧穿入他的胸腔。The bullet glanced the tree.子弹擦掠过那棵树。A sniper's bullet pierced his windshield and hit him in the eye.一名狙击手的子弹穿过挡风玻璃,击中了他的眼睛。The bullet tore through his leg.子弹射穿了他的腿。The bullet punctured one of his lungs.子弹打穿了他的一侧肺部。Take care. That gun's loaded.当心,那枪上了子弹At least eighteen bullets were fired.至少射出了十八颗子弹A volley of bullets ripped into the facing wall.一排子弹射进了对面的墙里。The bullet was intended for him. 子弹是冲着他射来的。




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