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词汇 子弹击中
例句 Only two bullets hit the mark.只有两发子弹击中了目标。The bullet got her in the leg.子弹击中了她的腿。Where did the bullet get him?子弹击中他什么部位? The second bullet hit her in the back.第二颗子弹击中了她的背。The bullet got him in the leg.子弹击中了他的腿部。He was hit in the neck by a bullet from a sniper.他被一名狙击手射出的子弹击中了颈部。The bullet struck him in the leg.子弹击中了他的腿。The shot hit him in the chest.子弹击中了他的胸膛。He was scarred from a bullet during the war.战争中他被子弹击中留下了伤疤。The bullet struck a harmless passer-by.子弹击中了一个无辜的过路人。She was hit by an assassin's bullet.她被刺客的子弹击中He was hit in the arm by a sniper's bullet but carried on fighting.他的手臂被狙击手的子弹击中,但他还是继续战斗。The bullet found its mark. 这颗子弹击中了靶子。




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