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词汇 laziness
例句 A primary cause of his failure is his laziness.懒惰是他失败的主要原因之一。He epitomizes laziness.他就是懒惰的典型。Only laziness prevented him from doing it.他不做这事只不过是因为懒惰。How can you tolerate such laziness?你怎么能忍受如此的懒惰呢?His failure resulted largely from his laziness.他的失败主要是懒惰所致。Tony's habitual laziness became even more extreme in winter, and he would sometimes stay in bed until mid afternoon.托尼懒惰成性,到了冬天更加变本加厉,有时候会在床上待到下午很晚的时候。A primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness.懒惰是汤姆失败的主要原因之一。My biggest fault was my laziness.我最大的缺点是懒惰。Both children were criticized; in the first case for incompetence, in the second case for sheer laziness.两个孩子都受到批评;一个是因为无能,另一个完全是因为懒惰。He was assisted by his mother who connived at his laziness.他母亲帮助他,纵容他的懒惰。Her parents blame her bad grades on laziness.她的父母认为她成绩不好是因为懒惰。He wasn't ill; he stayed in bed from laziness.他没病,躺在床上是因懒惰之故。I don't like his laziness and his easy-going ways.我不喜欢他那种懒惰的松松垮垮的样子。I do not say this in excuse of laziness.我没说这个是因为懒。His bad exam results were due to laziness and nothing else.他考得不好就是因为懒惰,没有其他原因。Paul does not take kindly to laziness.保罗讨厌懒惰。Mark thinks that the welfare system encourages laziness.马克认为福利制度助长人的惰性。She walked out on him on account of his laziness.她因他懒惰而离开了他。His laziness resulted in his failure.他的懒惰导致他的失败。His laziness is legend among his fellow politicians.他的懒惰在与他共事的政治家中是出了名的。In a small company like this, there is no room for laziness.在这样的小公司中,懒惰的员工是没有容身之地的。Don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her.别替她做事,这会助长她的懒惰。His failure resulted in part from his laziness.他的失败部分系懒惰所致。Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.现行劳动法要变革,奖勤罚懒。His mother was vexed with him for his laziness.他母亲因他懒惰而生他的气。His failure is the fruit of laziness.他之所以失败是因为懒惰。




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