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词汇 待遇
例句 Children are often powerless to fight back when they are treated unfairly.孩子们受到不公正的待遇时,通常无力反抗。Gay people have had enough of being treated as second-class citizens.同性恋者受够了二等公民待遇I get a much better shake than she does.我受的待遇比她好得多。The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting.所提供的工作机会是创建一个新的研究实验室,待遇是他当时所得工资的两倍。They discussed the problem of inequality between students.他们讨论了学生之间待遇有差别的问题。The biggest star perk, and the biggest power trip, must be the private plane.顶级的明星待遇和无上的权力体验肯定要数私人飞机了。I've been treated like a second-class citizen. 我受到了二等公民一般的待遇Many companies still treat their management staff better than their workers.很多公司给管理人员的待遇仍然比给工人的要好。He constantly complains about how he's treated at work.他时常抱怨工作待遇The boss' son got a cushy job with many perks.老板的儿子找到了一份待遇优厚的轻松工作。He was resentful at the way he had been treated.他对所受的待遇感到忿恨。They get treated differently from every other British band.他们受到的待遇与其他英国乐队不同。It would be unfair to penalize those without a job.失业人员待遇低下是不公平的。The deal just isn't working out the way we were promised.结果待遇根本不是他们对我们许诺的那样。Jim's treatment was harsh and undeserved.吉姆受到了不应有的苛刻待遇Women workers at the factory went on strike for parity with men.工厂女工为争取获得和男性平等的待遇而进行罢工。The way I was treated gave me no cause for complaint.我得到的待遇让我没有理由抱怨。The fund was in danger of losing its tax-exempt status.该基金面临不再享受免税待遇的风险。Our whole hearts revolt against the way women have hitherto been treated.我们对妇女迄今所受的待遇从心底里感到厌恶。Workers can choose to keep entitlements or bargain them away for things like higher pay.工人们可以选择保留自己应得的权利,也可以用这些权利换取加薪之类的待遇I'll be blowed if I put up with that kind of treatment.我要能忍受那种待遇才怪呢。The scientists saw the public as being particularly two-faced about animal welfare in view of the way domestic animals are treated.鉴于家养动物所受的待遇,科学家认为公众在动物福利的问题上尤为言行不一。A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.这份工作的一些额外待遇包括配备公车和移动电话。He is furious at the way his wife has been treated.他对妻子所受到的待遇感到愤愤不平。The government has promised a better deal for working parents.政府答应给予需要上班的父母更好的待遇Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal.英国各地的家庭看护人员上周向议会游说,要求改善经济待遇Nurses have taken to the streets to get a fair deal from the government.护士们走上街头向政府争取公平的待遇They were treated badly on account of their beliefs.他们因为自己的信仰而受到了不公正的待遇They've been treated unfairly, and it's time to redress the balance. 他们受到了不公正的待遇,现在是公平处理的时候了。The way that the refugees have been treated reflects very badly on the government.难民们所受到的待遇有损政府的形象。She's still angry about/over the way she's been treated.她还在为自己遭受的待遇而气愤不已。He was assured a well-paying job upon graduation.有人保证他毕业后获得待遇优厚的工作。He was treated much worse than I was.他的待遇比我的还要差很多。Brought up in what he describes as "a middle class ghetto", he imagined that all people were as privileged as he was.自称从小在“一个中产阶级聚居区”长大的他,以为所有人都享有跟他一样的待遇Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.战俘们受到了非人的待遇和侮辱。Many had complained about the usage they'd received at his hands.很多人都曾抱怨在他手下受到了不公待遇The union tries to get a square deal for all its members.工会尽力为所有会员争取公平的待遇Milne resigned in sympathy because of the way Donald had been treated.米尔恩以辞职来抗议唐纳德所遭受的不公待遇He endured this treatment with stoicism.他以坚毅的态度忍受着这种待遇The thought of the way she had been treated made her rage.她一想到她所受的待遇就生气。




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