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词汇 latitude
例句 The boss gave me considerable latitude in this matter.在处理这件事上老板给了我很大自由。We weren't given much latitude in deciding how to do the job.在如何开展这项工作的问题上,我们当时没什么选择余地。Their managers enjoy wide latitude to make hiring decisions.他们的经理在用人方面享有广泛的自主权。His status at the studio afforded him all the artistic latitude he could ask for.他在创作室的地位让他可以在艺术上自由探索。He was allowed a lot of latitude in implementing company policy.在贯彻执行公司的政策方面他获许拥有很大的自由空间。Employees should have some latitude in organizing their work.雇员应该有一定的自主度来安排自己的工作。Nowadays, newspapers are allowed considerable latitude in criticizing the government.现在,报纸有相当大的批评政府的言论自由。We are at the precise latitude of Corfu.我们目前位于希腊科孚岛的同纬度地区。He would be given every latitude in forming a government.他将被赋予组建政府所需的一切自由。This method allows very little latitude for error.这种方法所允许的误差范围很小。A location's position along a circle of latitude is given by its longitude.纬度圈上某一地点的位置是由其经度决定的。Virginia's comparability in latitude with Palestine弗吉尼亚州和巴勒斯坦在纬度上位置的相似A certain latitude in the interpretation of the rules is admissible.对规则的解释有一定的自由度是可以接受的。Courts can show a considerable degree of latitude when it comes to applying the law.法庭在依法量刑断案方面有较大的自由度。Madrid and New York City are on nearly the same latitude.马德里和纽约市几乎在同一纬线上。The judge has wide/considerable latitude to reject evidence for the trial.法官有相当大的自主权,可以在审判中拒绝接受证据。He would be given every latitude in forming a new government.他将可以不受任何限制地组建新政府。School rules allow the individual little latitude.校规不容许个人恣意任行。They gave me considerable latitude in how I spent the money.在这笔钱怎么使用的问题上他们给我以很大的自由。He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.他记下纬度和经度,然后在航海图上做了个标记。She was given considerable latitude in how she spent the money.在那笔钱如何支配的问题上她被给予了很大的自由。Some degree of latitude is required in interpreting the law on this point.用法律解释这一点时需要灵活一些。The two cities are at approximately the same latitude.这两个城市差不多位于同一纬度上。




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