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词汇 last minute
例句 The meeting was called off at the last minute.这次会议在最后一刻取消了。He scored at the last minute, and spared England's blushes.他在最后一刻进了球,使英格兰队不至于太难堪。We were gazumped at the last minute.原定卖给我们的房子在最后一刻反悔卖给了出价更高的买主。I had to throw dinner together at the last minute.我只好在最后一分钟赶紧做了一顿饭。We had a great plan,but George copped out at the last minute.我们原来有一个很不错的计划,可是乔治在最后一分钟撒手不干了。Barron invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had to cry off at the last minute.她接受了巴伦一起去看比赛的邀请,但她感冒了,最后不得不取消约定。He always leaves his homework until the last minute.他总是把课后作业留到最后一刻做。Neil Eaves scored the winner in the last minute of the match.尼尔‧伊夫斯在比赛的最后时刻得到了致胜的一分。At the last minute, we roped in a couple of spectators to complete the team.在最后关头,我们说服几位观众加入,凑足了比赛人数。Don't leave it all until the last minute.不要把什么都拖到最后一分钟。Reading that book at the last minute was the only thing that got me through the history exam.我在最后关头读了那本书才使我通过了历史考试。She usually says she'll be there and then cries off at the last minute.她通常都说会去,而最后关头又改变主意。At the last minute his courage failed him.他在最后一分钟失去了勇气。They've cried off at the last minute.他们在最后时刻打了退堂鼓。Travelers will find it hard to get a hotel room at the last minute.旅游者会发现事到临头很难订到房间。I had fallen into my old bad habit of leaving everything until the last minute.我又恢复了过去什么事都要拖到最后一刻才干的坏习惯。Right up until the last minute she had hoped that Peter would change his mind.直到最后一分钟她还是希望彼得会改变主意。He said he would help me move into my new apartment but then he cried off at the last minute.他说要帮我搬家到新公寓,但最后一刻他又变卦了。The plan/flight had to be aborted at the last minute.计划/飞行被迫在最后一刻取消。Mr White had promised to cooperate with us, but he cried off at the last minute.怀特先生本来答应与我们合作,但最后一刻打了退堂鼓。It wasn't finally decided until the last minute.直到最后一刻才做出最终决定。He wasn't going to come, but at the last minute he changed his mind.他本不打算来,但是他在最后一刻改变了想法。The union threatened a strike but called it off at the last minute.工会以罢工相威胁,但在最后一刻取消了罢工。He caught flu and had to cry off at the last minute.他感冒了,不得不在最后关头变卦。Stanford scored two goals in the last minute to force overtime.斯坦福队在最后一分钟攻入两球,把比赛拖入加时赛。The location has been changed at the last minute.在最后一刻变更了地点。She will wait until the last minute to finish her homework.她总是等到最后一刻才去完成作业。She said she would come, but then she copped out at the last minute.她说她会来,但在最后一刻她又不来了。She struck the song from the album at the last minute.她在最后一刻把这首歌从专辑中删掉了。The band disappointed thousands of fans by cancelling at the last minute.乐队在最后一分钟取消了演出,数千歌迷大失所望。The band was cut from the show at the last minute.这个乐队在演出前的最后一刻被取消了表演。Don't leave everything till the last minute.不要把什么事都留到最后一刻去做。Liverpool equalized in the last minute.利物浦队在最后的一分钟里打成了平局。She was going to sell her house but had a change of heart at the last minute.她本打算卖掉自己的房子,可是在最后一刻又改变了主意。The pilot made some last minute checks on the instrument panel.飞行员在临起飞前最后检查一遍仪表盘。Jenkins was put on the job at the last minute.詹金斯在最后一刻被派去做这件事。The editor pulled the article at the last minute.编辑在最后一刻撤下了那篇文章。A man awaiting death by lethal injection has been saved by a last minute reprieve.一个即将被执行注射死刑的男子在最后一分钟获得缓刑。John's uncle came up trumps, finding us a place to stay at the last minute.约翰的叔叔大显神通,在最后一刻为我们找到了住处。The plane pulled out of its dive at the last minute.这架飞机在最后一刻拉高复飞。




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