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词汇 larger
例句 The larger bank remained the controlling party when it took over the smaller banks.大银行接管几家小银行之后依然是控股方。I'm about two inches larger round the waist.我的腰围大概粗了两英寸。Small English orchards can hardly compete economically with larger French ones.英国的小型果园很难在经济上和法国的大型果园竞争。The stone circle at Avebury is larger than Stonehenge.埃夫伯里的史前环状巨石阵比索尔兹伯里的巨石阵规模还要大。Smaller companies often outdo larger ones in customer service.在客户服务方面,小公司往往比大公司做得好。We have to compete with several larger companies.我们要与几家大公司竞争。The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government.殖民地正要求获得更大程度上的自治。This is just a prelude to a larger attack.这仅仅是更大规模攻击的前奏。The increased volume of water enables larger areas to be irrigated.增加的水量使更多的土地能得到灌溉。They're moving to a larger home because they need more living space.因为需要更大的居住空间,他们打算搬到大点的房子去住。The book helps to explain the larger picture in the Middle East.这本书有助于解释中东地区更广泛的局势。They deepened the river so that larger boats could sail through.他们挖深了河道,以便大型船只能够驶过。A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.他们担心一个更加强大的欧洲议会只会增强大国的力量。Objects in the foreground are drawn larger than those in the background.前景中的物体画得比背景中的物体大一些。When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。She successfully defended herself against an attack from someone larger and stronger.她成功地抵御了比她强壮的人的攻击。He has a larger passive vocabulary than he realizes.他的被动词汇量比他自己意识到的多。Conservatives had hoped to capture a larger share of the vote.保守党原指望能获得更大份额的选票。Sometimes customers buy books in twos and threes, but rarely in larger quantities than that.有时顾客会一次买两三本书,但很少超过这个数。Carmakers are betting that people will want to buy larger, more expensive cars this year.汽车厂商预计今年人们会倾向于购买更宽敞、更昂贵的车。The program is part of a larger effort to help the world's children.这项活动是为帮助全世界儿童所做努力的一部分。The four tiny bedrooms were knocked through to make two larger ones.四间小卧室被打通,改造成两间大卧室。The larger corporation has more bargaining power.大公司的议价能力更强。Florida has a slightly larger population than Illinois.佛罗里达州的人口比伊利诺伊州的略多一些。Homelessness is part of a larger problem facing this country.人们无家可归只是这个国家所面临的巨大问题中的一部分而已。She's planning to play a larger role in the negotiations.她打算在谈判中发挥更重要的作用。When a woman becomes pregnant her breasts tend to grow larger.女性怀孕后,乳房会增大。Men now play a larger part in looking after their children.如今男士们更多地担当起照料子女的责任。He has owned a series of successively larger boats. 他拥有一系列船只,一艘比一艘大。Click on the thumbnails to view a larger version of each image.点击缩略图,可以看到每个图像的大图。The homebuilding industry will provide a larger market.住宅建筑业将提供一个更大的市场。The end of the wrist bone is capitate, as it is rounded and larger than the rest.腕骨末端呈头状,因为这里比其余部分大且圆。It also encourages existing home owners to trade up to larger accommodation.这还可以鼓励现有的房主置换更大的住所。The charity was surprised by the parsimony of some larger corporations.这个慈善团体对一些较大型公司的吝啬感到吃惊。Uncle Edward was taller than Daddy and larger boned.爱德华叔叔比爸爸身子高,骨骼要大。There's little sense in trying to outspend a competitor with a much larger service factory.试图比竞争对手花更多的钱建一个大得多的维修厂没有什么意义。Bedrooms have again been created by partitioning a single larger room.通过将一间大屋用隔断断开的方法再隔出了几间卧室。Pockets on the back of pants should be larger. Too small of pockets will make your derriere look larger.裤子的后裤兜应该大一点。小口袋会让你的臀部显大。The dress is also available in larger sizes.这款连衣裙也有大号的。Bedrooms have been created by partitioning a larger room.几间卧室由一间大房隔成。




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