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词汇 日子
例句 I'm making big money these days.这段日子我在挣大钱。As the days passed he grew more uneasy.日子一天天过去,他也越来越不安了。The big day dawned with a howling wind and heavy rain.那个重大的日子天一亮就狂风咆哮,大雨倾盆。She's doing everything she can to make life difficult for him.她想方设法让他日子难过。I'm in a muddle about the dates.我记不清日子With interest rates rising, they did not want to stretch themselves too far.随着利率的上涨,他们不想让日子过得太紧。I know her birthday's in July, but I can't remember the exact date.我知道她的生日是在七月,但想不起确切的日子We both had hectic days at work.我们俩都因工作忙了一些日子My wife and I are very lucky, really, we're comfortable, even though we're both retired.我和妻子都很幸运,真的,虽然我们都退休了,但日子过得很宽裕。He believes that the great day is at hand.他相信这个伟大的日子就要到来。As the days went on he began to feel better.随着日子一天天过去,他开始感觉好一些了。My parents are retired and in a good situation.我的父母退休了,日子过得很好。Kay's moods sometimes made life difficult, and occasionally impossible.凯的这种情绪使得日子很不好过,有时简直过不下去。Those days are over.那些日子已经一去不复返。That was a black day in our country's history.那是我国历史上一个黑色的日子The day began unremarkably.日子平淡地开始了。Let's meet for lunch one day next week.下周我们定个日子一起吃午饭吧。In spite of financial difficulties, he is rubbing along.他经济虽困难,但日子还过得去。I was a lot slimmer in those days.那段日子我苗条了不少。The city has fallen on evil days/times.这座城池陷入了灾难日子/时期。We were absolutely broke in those days. Now we're comparatively well off.那些日子,我们穷得一文不名。现在,我们相对而言富裕了些。Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.在沙漠地带,绝大多数日子是艳阳天,下雨天极少。Despite the political upheaval, for most people life goes on as usual. 尽管有政治动荡,对大多数人来说日子却是照旧。A day has been set aside to bring all councillors up to speed on the proposal.已经确定了一个日子,届时将向所有的市政委员汇报有关该建议的最新进展情况。The days slowly crawled by.日子缓缓地流逝。Those days are behind me.对我来说那些日子已经成为过去。There were no telephones in those days.那些日子没有电话。The date was seared in his memory with self-reproach and anguish.这个日子伴随着自责和痛苦深深烙在他的记忆里。I've started going to evening classes to learn how to do things properly, rather than just muddling along.我已经开始去夜校听课了,学习如何做事,而不是瞎混日子He lived somewhat precariously from one day to the next, never knowing where his next meal was coming from.日子过得很不稳定,吃了上顿难保下顿的。We've had to cut down a lot since Craig lost his job - it's been very hard for us.克雷格失业以后,我们不得不节俭许多—日子过得很艰难。The evil day may come when your reputation gets dragged through the mud.你的名声坏掉的时候,倒霉的日子恐怕就要来了。Her time at college was the most eventful period of her life.她在大学里的那些日子是她一生中最丰富多彩的一段时光。How are things going?日子过得怎么样?In order to avoid stinting yourself, make sure you have enough money to cover all your expenses.为了避免日子过得紧巴巴,你得确保有足够的钱来支付所有的开销。He has lived an easy life in college for the last few years.他最近几年一直在大学里过着轻松的日子We are counting down the days until the end of the exams.我们倒数着日子,一直数到考试结束。Directors who take dividends instead of salary may think they are onto a good thing but could have problems on retirement.那些拿分红而不是领薪水的董事可能会认为他们现在日子是好过,但是到退休时可能就有麻烦了。It was a time of trial. Money was short, and friends drifted away.那些日子真是艰难,手头缺钱花,朋友们又都不来往了。Would life be so awful without a car?没有车,日子就那么难过吗?




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