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词汇 lady
例句 Uncle George got a black eye for ogling a lady in the pub.乔治叔叔在酒店里对一女士抛媚眼而被打黑了一只眼睛。Not holding a door for a lady? You're no gentleman, are you?你都不为后面的女士扶一下门吗?这可真没绅士风度,是不是?A reporter characterized Mrs. Clinton as the most controversial first lady in modern history.一名记者把克林顿夫人说成是现代历史上最具争议的第一夫人。Move up, John, and let the lady sit down.约翰,挪一挪,让这位女士坐下。I remember her as a refined elegant lady.我记得她是一个很有教养的文雅女子。In those days it was unthinkable for a lady to work outside the home.那时候妇女出门去工作是无法想象的事。Why are you driving that old lady off her conk?你为什么要逼得这位老太太发疯?I was a very well-brought up young lady.我那时是一位很有教养的年轻女士。The old lady soon got into a fuss.一会儿老太太变得焦虑不安起来。The childless old lady offered to adopt one of the girls.这位无子女的老年女士表示愿意领养其中一个女孩。I was in a shop when I saw a lady looking carefully at me. She'd recognised me, and sure enough, she came across.我正在逛商店,突然看到一位女士在仔细地打量我。她认出了我,果不其然,她走了过来。The old lady shuffled across the room.那老太太拖著脚步走过房间。You have the advantage of me there, I've never met the lady.在这一点上你比我强,我从来没见过那位女士。There's a young lady here to see you.这里有位年轻的女士要见你。Lister's dead. Ditto three Miami drug dealers and a lady.利斯特死了,还有三个迈阿密毒贩和一位女士也死了。The children thought the old lady was giving them the evil eye.小孩们认为那位老妇以邪恶的眼神看著他们。I was humped like an old lady.我像个老妇人似的驼着背。The old lady is a sight cleverer than Sarah.这老太太可比莎拉聪明多了。Mind your language, young lady!注意你的用词,姑娘!The lady put her wallet in her purse.那位女士将皮夹子放在手提包内。The old lady looks very fragile.那位老妇人看上去十分虚弱。She was a quiet, dignified old lady.她是个安静、威严的老妇人。The old lady sequestered herself from all strangers.那位老太太隐退起来不见任何陌生人。Our neighbor is a dear old lady.我们的邻居是一位亲爱的老太太。Everyone has remarked on what a lovely lady she is.每个人都说她是个可爱的女士。You'd better watch your step with me, young lady.姑娘,你和我说话做事最好谨慎些。He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.他认识他老婆的时候他还是个油漆工,而她是个女招待。Say "thank you" to the lady, children.孩子们,对这位女士说“谢谢”。She had brought a book, a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists.她带了一本针对维多利亚时期女性小说家的女权主义批评著作。His daughter is now a general's lady.他的女儿现在成了一位将军的妻子。She's a very sweet old lady.她是个和蔼的老妇人。That lady lay cogitating over the past evening.那位太太躺着细细回想前一晚发生的事。The director preferred her to act the old lady.导演认为她还是演那个老太太好。The old lady shouted for help and then gave chase.老太太大声呼救,然后开始追赶。The old lady doddered down the hall to the dining room.老太太颤巍巍穿过甬道向餐室走去。Of course I remember Mrs Connor - she was a real lady.我当然记得康纳太太—— 她是个真正的淑女。Just where do you think you're going, young lady?!你以为你要去哪里,大小姐?!The older lady was wearing a white dress decorated with lavender ribbon.年长一些的女士穿著一条有淡紫色花边的白色连衣裙。He had a reputation as a real lady-killer.他作为一名真正的情场高手名声在外。The bus gave a cant and an old lady fell.公共汽车突然猛颠,一位老妇人跌倒了。




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