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词汇 lacks
例句 She completely lacks confidence.她完全没有信心。It's a good college, but lacks the cachet of Harvard.这是一所很好的大学,但缺乏哈佛这样的声望。Now his life lacks purpose.现在他的生活失去了目标。Your essay lacks depth. 你的文章缺乏完整性。Onscreen, she lacks the vitality or charisma to pass this performance off.电影中的她缺乏演绎这出戏的活力和魅力。The novel lacks structure.这部小说组织欠周密。I feel that his performance lacks soul.我觉得他的表演缺乏激情。If Glover lacks experience of management, why was he put in charge?格洛弗缺乏管理经验,那为什么叫他来主管?The book lacks method. 这本书缺乏条理。Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.杰克是一个很聪明的学生,但缺乏积极性。That remark lacks taste.那番言论缺乏判断力。He's honest but he lacks personality.他老老实实的,但是缺乏个性。The justice system lacks impartiality, by democratic standards.以民主的标准来看,司法体系缺乏公正性。He's a bright enough student - he just lacks motivation.他是个很聪明的学生,只是缺乏积极性。He lacks leadership qualities.他缺乏领导素质。Our diet lacks variety.我们的饮食缺乏多样性。He's a skillful performer, but his music lacks soul.他是个技巧娴熟的表演者,但他的音乐缺乏感染力。It is a theory that lacks unity.这是一种缺乏整体性的理论。Network news coverage often lacks depth.电视网络上的新闻报道常常缺乏深度。She's pretty, but lacks poise.她虽漂亮,但缺乏优雅的体态。He lacks the necessary experience.他缺乏必要的经验。Tom lacks confidence and needs a lot of encouragement.汤姆缺少自信,需要多加鼓励。The country lacks a strong state/government apparatus. 这个国家缺少一个强有力的政府机构。The movement is deeply divided and lacks clear leadership.这次运动存在深刻的分歧,从而缺乏清晰明确的领导。A system like ours lacks adequate safeguards for civil liberties.我们这样的制度缺乏有效保护公民自由的条款。The movie lacks plot , but it's a fascinating character study.这部电影缺少情节,但它的人物刻画很成功。It lacks the complexity or depth of his best movies.这部电影缺少他最好的那些电影所拥有的复杂性或深刻性。His script lacks playfulness.他的剧本缺乏轻松感。What the film sorely lacks is a grain of real suspense.这部电影连一丝真正的悬念都没有。The film lacks the visceral impact of her previous work.这部影片缺乏她以前的作品所具有的那种情感冲击力。The team lacks chemistry.这个团队缺乏默契。Your essay lacks internal coherence.你的文章缺乏内在的连贯性。She lacks even the most basic skills necessary for the job.她甚至缺乏做这份工作所必需的最基本技能。Your essay lacks organization; your ideas are all over the place.你的论文条理不清,想法杂乱无章。He's a good pitcher, but he lacks consistency. 他是一名好投手,但是表现不稳定。The picture lacks definition. 这张照片清晰度不高。The painting lacks proportion.这幅画比例失调。His rambling writing style just lacks precision.他散漫的写作风格恰恰缺乏精确。His argument lacks oomph.他的论证缺乏说服力。On-screen, she lacks the vitality or charisma to pass this performance off.电影中的她缺乏演绎这出戏的活力和魅力。




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