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词汇 好啦
例句 Right Joe, read my lips – go to bed now.好啦,乔,仔细给我听着,现在上床睡觉去。Okay, boys and girls, it's time to play a game.好啦,男孩、女孩们,玩游戏的时间到了。This candidate promises to solve all the country's financial problems in six months. Chance would be a fine thing! 候选人承诺六个月内解决国家所有的财政问题。要是真能这样就好啦Come now. Dry your tears and try to be happy.好啦。擦干眼泪,振作起来。All right kids—no rough stuff. 好啦,孩子们,不准打闹。OK, OK, I get the idea – there's no need to labour the point!好啦好啦,我明白这意思了,没必要一说再说啦!Come little dove, don't be afraid.好啦,小宝贝,别害怕。Come on, try to look on the bright side.好啦,多往好处想想吧。All right, folks, dinner's ready!好啦,伙计们,晚餐准备好了!Come on, fair's fair. It's your turn to mind the kids.好啦,做人也得讲公道。该轮到你带孩子了。Well, I suppose we could just about manage without electricity for the night.好啦,晚上没有电,我想我们也能将就。You're worrying about something, aren't you? Come on, out with it!你在为什么事发愁,是吗?得了,说出来好啦! Well, never mind, John, it is not a matter of life and death.好啦,约翰,别在意,这又不是什么生死攸关的大事。There, there. Stop crying.好啦好啦,别哭了。Well, after a day's toil in the office I like to relax a little.好啦,在办公室劳累了一天后我想歇一会儿。All right, you win – you can call off the dogs now.好啦,你赢了,别再纠缠了。Well, that's the last one done.好啦,最后一件事情干完啦。All right, all right, keep your hair on! I'm sorry.好啦好啦,别发火!对不起。Come on, tell me what's on your mind.好啦,心里有什么事就告诉我吧。Well, I must go now. I've lots of jobs to do around the house.好啦,我得走了,家里有很多事要做。OK, that's what we are suggesting - does anyone have any comments?好啦,这是我们的建议。大家有什么意见吗?Go on, lend me the car, just this once.好啦,把车借给我吧,就这一次。Well, you finally have your very own car.好啦,你终于有自己的车了。Well, this is it—the day we've been waiting for.好啦,这就是我们一直等待的那一天。Well, you've got my number. Give me a call sometime.好啦,你有我的电话号码了。有空常联系。So there I was right, middle of the night, right, and this guy came up to me...好啦,我就在那儿,半夜里,对吧,这家伙向我走了过来……”Well, mother, I won't detain you any longer.好啦,妈,我不再留你了。Now, now. You'll be OK.好啦好啦。你会平安无事的。Okay, I'm leaving now. See you later.好啦,我现在要走了,再见。OK. You're right. I should have called you sooner.好啦,你说得对。我本该早点给你打电话。There, she had much less chance of repeating her ill deeds.好啦,她再度作恶的机会少得多了。Well don't be angry with me - it's hardly my fault that it's raining!好啦,别再生我的气了——下雨又不是我的错!Well, that's it, we're done - we can go home now.好啦,就这样吧,我们完工了——现在可以回家了。Now, look, here is how things stand.现在听好啦,情况眼下是这样的。Button it, OK! I'm trying to think.住口,好啦!我在想办法嘛。Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Two's company, three's a crowd.好啦,我要走了,留下你们这对小情侣享受二人世界吧。两人成伴,三人不欢。Well, I've found our position on the map if you want to see where we are.好啦,如果你想知道我们现在所在位置的话,我已经在地图上找到了。Now look, this is how things stand.现在听好啦,眼下的情况是这样的。OK folks, time to go home. That's your lot.好啦,各位,该回家了。就到这里吧。Come on - don't keep us in suspense - who won?好啦—别让我们心悬着—谁赢了?




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