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词汇 好办法
例句 A good way to get a stamp off an envelope is to soak it off.从信封上取下邮票的一个好办法是把它弄湿后揭下。It's a wonderful way of getting to see Italy, and it needn't cost very much.这是游历意大利的好办法,也不需要花很多钱。Regular investment of small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg.小额固定投资是储蓄的好办法The best way of ensuring that the chores are done is by making each child responsible for a different one.保证完成家务的最好办法是让孩子们每人负责一件事。Let's do some problem-solving and see if we can't figure out what to do.我们来试着解决一下问题吧,看看能否找到什么好办法There's no better way of exploring the region.这是考察那个地区的最好办法Adding a little oil into the mechanism is one of the best cures for a noisy engine.在机器里加入少许油,这是消除引擎噪音的最好办法之一。I thought the best way to improve my French was to live in France.我认为提高我的法语的最好办法是在法国生活。Is recycling glass a sound idea?循环使用玻璃是个好办法吗?It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly for this kind of wakefulness.经常吃安眠药来对付这种失眠绝不是什么好办法The best way to keep babies off sugar is to go back to the natural diet and eat lots of fresh fruit.避免婴儿摄入食糖的最好办法是让其回归自然的饮食,多吃新鲜水果。I can't stop hiccuping - does anyone know a good cure?我止不住地打嗝——有人知道有什么治它的好办法吗?This is a great exercise for the upper back.这是锻炼背部的好办法Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas.头脑风暴是催生新点子的好办法Fast walking is a good way of staying fit.快步行走是保持体形的一种好办法It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly.频繁服用安眠药绝对不是好办法Repetition is good for helping children learn language.重复是帮助儿童学会语言的好办法The best way of furthering your career might be to leave your present job.推进你事业的最好办法也许是离开目前的工作。Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.跑步是消耗多余热量的极好办法The most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education.预防溺水事故的最好办法是加强安全教育。Prepping your vegetables for a whole week in advance is a great way to save time and energy in the kitchen.事先准备好一周的蔬菜是一个好办法,能节省在厨房里花的时间和精力。Your best remedy is to go to the small claims court.解决你问题的最好办法是去小额索赔法院。Unless someone comes up with a brainwave soon, I can't see how we can possibly get out of this mess.除非有人马上想出个好办法,否则的话我不知道我们怎样收拾这烂摊子。That's the best idea you've had all day.那是你一整天里想出的最好办法It isn't a good idea to let bills mount up.让账单越积越多可不是个好办法It was the best I could think of off the top of my head.这是我一时所能想到的最好办法Writing to you is a good way to get things off my chest.写信给你是倾诉衷肠的好办法My guess is that the British police have struck on a lucrative way of making money.我猜想英国警方已经想到了生钱的好办法A patchwork quilt is a good way of using up scraps of material.做百衲被是利用零碎布料的好办法Watching television by oneself is a very enjoyable way to pass the time.一个人看电视是消磨时间的好办法It's a good idea to photocopy your passport in case it gets stolen.把护照复印一份是个好办法,以防万一被人偷了。Sleeping tablets are not the best solution to insomnia as they upset the natural rhythm of sleep.吃安眠药不是解决失眠的最好办法,因为安眠药会打乱自然的睡眠规律。Taking a brisk walk every morning is a great way to burn calories.每天早上轻快地散一下步是消耗热量的好办法Fresh lemonade is a great way to beat the heat.喝新鲜柠檬水是解热的好办法Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of relaxing or letting off steam.经常运动有助于摆脱多余的压力,也是放松或宣泄情感的好办法Here's a good ti if you spill red wine on your carpet, pour salt on it to remove it.教你一个好办法:如果红葡萄酒洒在地毯上,撒点盐可以擦掉它。That is a good way to look at the problem.那是看待这个问题的一种好办法The best way to beat inflation is to buy a house.避免通货膨胀影响的最好办法是购买一栋房子。Lenin said that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency.列宁说,摧毁资本主义体系的最好办法是击垮其货币。Penalties are sometimes correctives of immoral conduct.各种类型的处罚有时是纠正不道德行为的好办法




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