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词汇 labyrinth
例句 He'd given up trying to negotiate the labyrinth of Westminster politics.他已经放弃了搞清楚错综复杂的英国议会政治的努力。The cockpit was a labyrinth of instruments and controls.驾驶舱是一个有很多仪表和控制装置的迷宫。I zigzagged down a labyrinth of alleys.我在一条迷宫般的小巷中曲折穿行。The old town is a labyrinth of narrow streets, with shops selling everything you could imagine.那古镇犹如迷宫一般,狭窄的街道纵横交错,两旁的商店出售各式各样的商品。They found a labyrinth of tunnels under the ground.他们发现了一处迷宫似的地道。Finally, through a labyrinth of corridors she found his office.穿行过迷宫般的走廊后,她最终找到了他的办公室。You need an expert to guide you through the labyrinth of rules and regulations on this subject.你需要专家就这个问题的规章指点迷津。Fluid moves in the semicircular canals within the bony labyrinth of the inner ear.液体在内耳骨质迷路的半圆形小管内流动。The dark labyrinth had no issue.这座昏暗的迷宫不见有出口通道。Decisions are frequently delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees.白厅各委员会关系错综复杂,决策经常一拖再拖。




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