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词汇 daring
例句 They managed to bring off the most daring jewellery robbery in history.他们破获了有史以来最胆大妄为的一起珠宝盗窃案。The raid, one of the most daring crimes of the century, was masterminded by Italian playboy, Giovanni Cattani.这宗劫案是本世纪最大胆的犯罪案件之一,是由意大利花花公子乔瓦尼·卡塔尼精心策划的。When she was young, everybody thought my grandmother was terribly daring because she smoked.我祖母年轻时,大家都觉得她的胆子特别大,因为她吸烟。Electric lighting was still considered a daring innovation when it was installed in my grandfather's house.我祖父的房子里装电灯时,电灯尚被视为一项大胆的革新。Bergit was probably more daring than I was.伯吉特可能比我更敢于冒险。He showed great daring.他显示了极大的勇气。He had grown more daring.他变得更大胆了。Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.怒不可遏的群众聚集起来,抗议财政大臣胆敢动提高利率的念头。His daring may have cost him his life.他的冒险可能让他断送了性命。He would often do very foolish things just to prove how daring he was.他为了证明自己胆大,常做出一些很愚蠢的事情。He performs the trick with the daring of a stuntman.他以特技替身演员所具有的胆量表演特技。His daring rescue saved the lives of the youngsters.他的大胆营救保住了那些年轻人的性命。She's a daring innovator in the field of biotechnology.在生物技术领域,她是一位勇敢的创新者。Her actions was considered very daring at the time.她的行为在当时被认为是非常大胆的。He performed many daring exploits.他曾有许多大胆之举。It is a particularly daring stunt, involving being tied up and suspended in mid-air.这是个非常大胆的特技动作,包括被捆绑后悬在半空之中。The daring explorer seemed to have inhuman powers of endurance.这位勇敢的探险家似乎有着超人的韧劲。He likes daring sports like bungee jumping and skydiving.他喜欢诸如蹦极和特技跳伞之类的冒险运动。It was a daring attempt but he carried it off.这是个大胆的尝试,不过他不费力地对付过去了。Being youngsters, we sat modestly at the back, never daring to speak.我们是些年轻人,都谦恭地坐在后面,始终不敢发言。We present the world's finest racing drivers in a spectacle of great daring and skill.我们呈现世界最佳赛车手展示勇敢和技巧的壮观场面。This was not by any means a daring expedition into the outback, it was a very unambitious exploration.这绝不是什么冒险深入内地的远征,只是一次平淡无奇的探险而已。He was a daring and experimental writer.他是位大胆的实验性作家。Billy stood on top of the rock, not daring to jump down.比利站在岩石顶端,但不敢往下跳。She won their respect by daring to ask questions.她因敢于发问而赢得了他们的尊重。The prisoners attempted a daring escape.那些罪犯尝试了一次冒险的越狱。His daring attitude toward risks is a major part of his makeup.敢于冒险是他的性格的一个主要特征。He had proved himself a most daring airman.他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。Churchill immediately set into motion a daring plan.丘吉尔立刻开始实施一项大胆的计划。He soaked himself in the subject before daring to write about it.他悉心研究这个题目之后才敢下笔写。Emergency crews quickly planned a daring rescue to get the people out of the burning building.救援人员很快制订了一个从着火大楼中营救被困人员的大胆方案。To write and publish this poem was a daring, transgressive act.创作并发表这首诗是一个大胆越轨的举动。He realized this to be a very daring thing to ask.他意识到这是一个非常大胆的问题。He showed great daring on the battlefield.他在战场上表现得极其英勇。Three inmates fled the prison in a daring tunnel escape.三名囚犯大胆地从地道越狱,成功地逃脱了。Over coffee, she lit a cigarette, her eyes daring him to comment.喝咖啡时,她点燃了一支烟,用挑衅的眼神看着他,谅他也不敢吭声。His daring cost him his life.他的冒险精神让他送了命。Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel.阿姆里塔成了一个勇敢无畏的叛逆者。Richard always went along with Ella's plans, never once daring to stand his ground against her.理查德总是听从埃拉的计划,从不敢反对她。Skydiving requires both skill and daring.特技跳伞运动既需要技能也需要勇气。




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