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例句 Originally paper money could, upon demand, as of right be changed into gold.原先,只要有人求兑,作为正当权利,纸币都可兑成黄金。The event was regarded as of such insignificance that not one major newspaper carried a report.人们认为这件事太无关紧要了,所以没有一家大报进行报道。Some foods can stain the teeth, as of course can smoking.某些食物会在牙齿上留下污渍,吸烟当然也会。The event was regarded as of such insignificance that not one major newspaper carried a report.该事件被认为根本无足轻重,以至于没有一家大报纸发文报道。I regard this as of great importance.我认为这极为重要。Following is an analysis of the situation as of this date.到今天为止的形势分析如下。The property belongs to her as of right.这些财产应该属于她。He'll get drunk, pick a fight and make an ass of himself.他会喝醉,然后挑事,当众出丑。Final exams at college can be as much a test of stamina as of knowledge.大学里的期末考试既考知识也考耐力。The storekeeper warranted the goods as of the first quality.店主保证货物品质第一。I made an ass of myself at the party. 我在聚会上出了大洋相。Federal authorities said that no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing as of yet.联邦当局说至今还无人声称对这次爆炸事件负责。Please date the check as of today.请在支票上注明今天的日期。The report remains unfinished as of yet.那个报告到目前为止还没写完。The course should be history,but history, philosophized,is a history of ideas as well as of events.过程应该就是历史,不过哲学化的历史,就是又有观念又有事件的历史。




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