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词汇 文字
例句 I find it hard to express myself in writing.我觉得很难用文字表达出自己的想法。Please write a short paragraph explaining your reasons for applying to this college.请写一段简短的文字,说明你申请就读本校的原因。Scientists need to be literate as well as numerate.科学家除了要有计算能力,还应该有文字表达能力。In a few short paragraphs, the characters start into life.短短的几小节文字,人物就活起来了。All the writing on the machine was in German.机器上的文字都是德文。There was one teacher who really ignited my interest in words.曾经有一位老师真正激起了我对文字的兴趣。People have different interpretations of the passage.人们对这一段文字有不同的解释。Poetry can never be adequately rendered in another language.诗从来不能充分等值地译成另一种文字The passage is purely descriptive.这段文字纯粹是叙述性的。She and Mark read the words inscribed on the inner walls of the monument.她和马克读了刻在纪念碑内墙上的文字Copy the words just as they stand on the original list.就照原表上的文字抄下来。The lettering is fuzzy and indistinct.书写的文字模糊难认。In writing, we underline titles of books.在书写文字中我们在书名下划线。The meaning of the passage is obscure.这段文字意义晦涩。She had blatantly copied the text from another book.她明目张胆地抄袭了另一本书的文字It contained a passage that descanted on the advantages of wealth.其中有一段文字详述了财富的好处。I type and edit stuff for Derek's friends.我为德里克的朋友们录入文字并负责校订。They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。The obscurity of the paragraph makes several interpretations possible.这段文字极为晦涩,可能有多种解释。Only a few written records survive from those times.那些年代的文字记载只有一些保存了下来。The walls are daubed with graffiti.墙上涂满了乱七八糟的文字和图画。The detective-constable picked out the words with difficulty.探警费力地辨认出这些文字The book is not one word too long and its narrative pace is unflagging.这本书文字简练,叙事流畅。We perfected a system of communicating without words.我们完善了一种非文字交流系统。The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history.关于宇宙起源的争论贯穿于整个有文字记载的历史。There are similar events all throughout recorded history.纵观人类有文字记载的历史,此类事件屡见不鲜。The text is interesting and informative without being too technical.这篇文字具有趣味性和知识性,而且不是很专业难懂。We plucked passages at random from the book and read them aloud.我们从这本书里随便挑出几段文字并大声朗读。The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.视觉图像正在逐渐取代文字The developers have cleared away a lot of the blurb and let the imagery do the talking.开发商清除了很多夸张的文字宣传,转而用图像说话。You can find more details about all this week's films on teletext.通过电视文字播送,你可以看到更多有关本周电影的详细情况。As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers.年深日久,他恶毒的文字开始让读者生厌。She knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly.她认识很多法文字,但发音不准确。It was an excerpt from an ad for a nanny.这是从一则保姆招聘广告上摘引的文字The newspaper edits letters before printing them.这家报社先编校文字,然后再付印。Will you prune off the unnecessary adjectives in the passage?把这段文字中不必要的形容词删去好吗? The later edition interpolated the following passage.较后的那个版本插入了下面这段文字The writing was banal but the story was good.文字平淡无味,但故事不错The course is designed to enable people to communicate effectively in speech and writing.这门课程的目的是要让人们能够用言语或文字有效地进行交流。That article is an example of first class journalism.那篇文章是一流新闻文字的范例。




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