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词汇 文学
例句 Traditional ideas about literature have gone unquestioned.有关文学的传统观点历来没有争议。He enjoyed the patronage of many literary enthusiasts.他得到了许多热爱文学的人的资助。He spoke with considerable passion about the importance of art and literature.他激动地谈起艺术和文学的重要性。It was clear to him that Tolkien was a literary genius.托尔金是一位文学天才,这一点对他来说是确信无疑的。The author uses many literary devices in his work.作者在其著作中使用了许多文学手法。American literature was now distinctively itself.到这时美国文学已颇有自己的特色。He was not unlearned in European literature.他熟悉欧洲文学He presents his own highbrow literary programme.他介绍了自己那个专业性很强的文学项目的情况。The book explores the connection between American ethnic and regional literatures.这本书探讨了美国族裔文学与地区文学之间的关系。We regularly publish a magazine that celebrates lesbian poetry and other women's literature.我们定期发行一本杂志,推崇女同性恋者的诗歌以及其他女性文学He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end he ran literature classes at his home on Sunday afternoons.他想让理科学生也对文科产生兴趣,为此他星期天下午在自己家中开文学课。She occupies a unique place in American literature.她在美国文学中占有独特的地位。Greek literature provides evidence for homosexual activity among both males and females.古希腊文学中提供了男女同性恋行为的实据。She's studying European literature at the University of Illinois.她在伊利诺伊大学修读欧洲文学Other poems displayed her knowledge of the scriptures, ancient history, and literature.其他诗作都是在炫耀她在经典文献、古代史和文学方面的知识。His interests extend to art and literature.他的兴趣涉及艺术和文学Faust was a character in literature who made a pact with the devil.浮士德是与魔鬼订立契约的文学人物。He holds his tenancy as professor of American literature at the university.他在那所大学任美国文学教授之职。Literature helps to interpret life.文学有助于阐明人生的意义。Art and literature flourished and this set the pattern for the whole of Europe.艺术和文学的兴盛为整个欧洲树立了典范。Can those in the two cultures talk to each other?从事文学的人和从事科学的人能有共同语言吗?Students will be examined on all aspects of Russian literature and history.学生将参加俄国文学和历史各方面知识的考试。I doubted if she would be interested in my own little literary breakthrough.我想她未必会对我在文学方面取得的微不足道的成绩感兴趣。She wants to showcase African-American literature.她想展现美国黑人文学的魅力。Chaucer brought a new stylistic magnificence to Middle English literature.乔叟给中古英语文学带来了文体上的新辉煌。She is a graduate student in literature.她是个念文学的研究生。She took courses in history and literature.她选了历史课和文学课。You purport to be an author but your missives contain little of any literary interest.你声称是个作家,但写的信却毫无文学趣味。The thriller is a genre which depends on goodies and baddies.惊悚小说是一种需要有正面和反面人物的文学体裁。Her literary judgments are completely on target.她对文学的见解是完全准确的。He is regarded as a literary lion.他被认为是文学名士。Nelson has a true passion for literature.纳尔逊真正热爱文学He's been called the grand old man of Latin American literature.他一直被称为拉美文学的元老。Metaphor is a common literary device.隐喻是一种常用的文学手法。Shakespeare's plays were written for the theater, but many people study them as literature.莎士比亚的剧本是为舞台表演而写,但是许多人也把它们作为文学来研究。The poem is a fine example of literary craftsmanship.这首诗是文学创作技巧的范例。These are two very different views of literature, which are parallel to two very different views of sexuality.这是两种截然不同的文学观点,它们对应的是对性的两种截然不同的态度。The study is about pseudoclassicism in literature.这项研究是关于文学中仿古典主义的。His preferred reading was horror stories and fantasy.他更喜欢看恐怖故事和奇幻文学It was well known in literary circles that the two women cordially detested one another.这两个女人对彼此恨之入骨,这在文学圈里是众所周知的事。




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