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Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.珍妮特的丈夫和她的姐姐发现厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。The delicious smell of freshly made coffee came from the kitchen.新煮好的咖啡的芳香从厨房里飘了出来。Patches of grease covered the kitchen walls.厨房墙上油迹斑斑。He cleaned all the kitchen surfaces.他把厨房里所有操作台台面都擦干净了。The housemaid eavesdropped from behind the kitchen door.女佣在厨房门后偷听。She ringed the date on the calendar in the kitchen.她在厨房的日历上圈出那个日期。I cleaned the kitchen while the bread was baking.面包烤着的时候,我把厨房打扫了一下。The pans were the yeomen of our kitchen.平底锅是我们厨房里用得最多的炊具。Gretchen wandered into the kitchen, only half awake and looking for coffee.格蕾琴还没有完全醒过来,迷迷糊糊地走进厨房去找咖啡。Delicious smells from the kitchen whetted our appetites. 厨房飘出的香味刺激了我们的食欲。He went straight through to the kitchen and took a can of beer from the fridge.他径直来到厨房,从冰箱里取出一罐啤酒。The kitchen is a minefield of potential hazards.厨房里充满了潜在的隐患。The cat appears at our kitchen door every morning.这只猫每天早上都会出现在我们的厨房门口。The dust settled on everything in the kitchen.厨房里每一样东西上都落了灰。The kitchen was small and cramped.这间厨房又小又窄。A new coat of paint would liven the kitchen up.新刷一层漆会使厨房鲜亮起来。Set the kitchen timer going.开启厨房定时器。She put her shopping away in the kitchen.她把购来的东西在厨房里放好。He did a beautiful job of cleaning up the kitchen.他打扫了厨房,活儿干得漂亮。The couple admired the shiny newness of their remodeled kitchen.这对夫妇对他们装修一新的厨房赞不绝口。The kitchen has been fitted with a stainless steel sink.这间厨房装配了不锈钢水槽。I think the kitchen drain is blocked.我觉得厨房的下水道被堵住了。The kitchen has adequate lighting.厨房里光照充足。She pushed right past her mother and back to the kitchen.她从母亲身旁挤过去,回到了厨房。The dog tracked mud all over the shiny kitchen.狗在厨房发亮的地板上留下一屋子泥。It'll only take a little while to clear up the kitchen.用不了多少时间就能把厨房收拾好。The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances.这间厨房里安装了各种现代化设备。Moira shuffled across the kitchen.莫伊拉拖着脚穿过厨房。The apartment is small, but completely self-contained, with its own bathroom, kitchen, and living area.公寓很小,但完全独立,拥有自己的浴室、厨房和起居空间。She was in the kitchen doing the washing-up. 她在厨房洗餐具。The kitchen now is a dark cavern, with an antiquated black stove in a corner.厨房现在黑洞洞的,角落里有只破旧的黑色炉子。He left a note for you on the kitchen table.他在厨房的桌上给你留了一张条子。There's some cake in the kitchen if you'd like it.想吃蛋糕的话,厨房有一些。A good knife is probably one of the most useful things you can have in a kitchen.一把好刀应该是厨房里最有用的物件之一。Sue spread out her notes on the kitchen table and began to write.苏把笔记本摊开放在厨房桌子上,开始写了起来。Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen.妈妈坐在厨房里的椅子上。The house has a spacious kitchen and dining area.房子有一个宽敞的厨房和餐厅。The dog had left muddy paw prints all across the kitchen floor.那只狗在厨房地板上到处都留下了泥爪印。Gas cookers are adjustable in height to line up with your kitchen work top.燃气灶的高度可调整,使之与厨房操作台齐平。My kitchen scales are not accurate.我的厨房秤不精确。 |