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例句 You can focus your telescope on that distant television tower.你可以对著那座远方的电视塔调节望远镜的镜头。Don't waste your money on that new soap, it's no good.别浪费钱去买那种新肥皂,那东西不怎么样。It's hard to support a family on that stingy salary.靠如此菲薄的薪金难以养活一家。No one was willing to confront the company president on that point.没人愿意就那个问题质问公司总裁。You cannot rest on that assumption.你不能以那个假设为依据。The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.黑色的字体在橙色的背景下非常醒目。Well, maybe I stumped you on that one.好吧,也许我在那件事上使你为难了。They lost a large sum of money on that project.他们在那个项目上损失了一大笔钱。France was outvoted on that issue.在就那个问题的投票中法国败北。This idea is one that may easily be perverted by anyone else.这是一种易于被任何人滥用的思想。I haven't quite figured out where she's at on that issue.我还没弄清她在那个问题上的真正立场。Hundreds perished on that fateful day.数百人在那个灾难性的日子失去了生命。You need to get going on that report. It's due tomorrow.你得动手写那份报告了,明天要交的。She reckoned she'd found herself a nice little earner when she took on that shop.她接手那个商店时认为自己找到了一棵摇钱树。If I lay my hands on that book, I'll let you know.如果我搞到那本书,我会告诉你的。The paragraph says basically the same thing as the one that came before.这一段落叙述的内容与前一段大致相同。They'll approach her on that matter.他们要向她交涉那件事情。Do you think we could get away with just one coat of paint on that wall?你觉得那墙就刷一遍漆能行吗?The police knew from day one that I was innocent.从第一天起警方就知道我是无罪的。My grandfather said he would pay for me to go to college, and he made good on that promise.我爷爷说他会付学费送我上大学,他实现了这个承诺。He had lived on that farm all his life.他一生都生活在那个农场里。Two years and a few million dollars later, a jury was hung on that charge.过了两年并花去几百万块钱以后,陪审团对这项指控仍未作出一致的决议。If the Yankees are in top form there is no one that can beat them.洋基队要是处于最佳状态,没有哪一支球队可以击败他们。I've decided to take you up on that job offer.我决定接受你提议的那份工作。I won't have him risking his neck on that motorcycle.我不会让他冒险去骑那辆摩托车。Which do you think is the best one that showed in Broadway this month?这个月在百老汇上演的节目中,你认为哪一个最好?Manufacturers are working with new fuels to find one that burns more cleanly than petrol.制造商正在开发新型燃料,以便找到比汽油更清洁的能源。I'm afraid I'll have to pass on that offer of coffee.喝咖啡还是免了吧。Don't waste your money on that book—it's a lot of hooey.别浪费钱买那本书了,里面废话连篇。He amplified on that point.他进一步阐明了该点。I won't dispute you on that point.在那一点上我不反驳你。Take a compass bearing on that mountain.测一下那座山的罗经方位。It is not an idea around which the Community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.这个提议不能使社区团团结起来,正相反,我认为会起到分裂的作用。She was divorced, and on that account alone my mother disliked her.她离过婚,就因为这个原因我母亲不喜欢她。My money has never ridden on that brown horse.我的钱从来不曾押在那匹棕色的马上。Be careful not to cut yourself on that knife.小心不要被那把刀划伤。Gangs sometimes waylay travelers on that road.犯罪团伙有时在那条路上抢劫游客。Two other incidents stood out on that visit to Los Angeles.那次洛杉矶之行中的另外两个事件令人瞩目。Those batteries are the ones that still work.那些电池是仍然能用的那批。I've spoken my last on that subject.那个问题我要讲的都讲过了。




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