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词汇 kiss off
例句 You're not in a position to kiss off any job you're offered.你现在的处境不允许拒绝任何工作机会。It would't be advisable for us to kiss off their objections.对人家的意见不予理睬是不明智的。He kissed off all raps except the one for income tax evasion.除了逃避所得税这一点,他把其他罪责都推得一干二净。She should have told the old bitch to kiss off a long time ago.她就早该让那个糟老太婆走开。You can kiss off that problem now.现在你可以不再为那问题操心了。Jim kissed off all raps.吉姆将罪责推脱得一干二净。I want to know who kissed off my son.我想知道是谁杀死了我的儿子。I guess we can kiss off the deal.我猜我们可以和这个交易说再见了。My boss kissed off my ideas for a new product.老板对我的新产品设想不屑一顾。You can kiss off any hope of getting tickets to the game.你得承认要弄到比赛票是没戏了。She told me to kiss off when I asked her to dance.我请她跳舞时她叫我滚开。




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