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词汇 kettle
例句 Put the meat into a small kettle.把肉放到一个小炖锅里。This is a fine kettle of fish! I forgot my book.这事情可糟了! 我忘记把书带来了。Well then, I'll put the kettle on.好吧,我来烧壶水。The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens.无绳电热水壶现在可能是多数厨房的固定设备。The water in the kettle is heating slowly.壶中的水正在慢慢热起来。I've just put a kettle on for my bottle.我刚把水壶放在火上,准备冲暖手瓶。The kettle started to sing.水壶哨子开始响了。She filled the kettle and switched it on.她把水壶灌满水后打开了开关。The kettle needs a new element.电水壶该换新的电热丝了。The kettle sang on the stove.水壶在火炉上呜呜作响。It's a fine gas ring; it boils a kettle in a flash.这是一个很好的煤气灶,一下子就烧开一壶水。The kettle emitted a shrill whistle.水壶发出了刺耳的鸣笛声。Steam jetted from the kettle's spout.蒸汽从壶嘴里喷了出来。If they attempted to leave the police kettle they would be arrested.他们要是敢离开警方封锁区,就会遭到逮捕。I'll put the kettle on to boil.我会放上水壶把水烧开。Playing for the reserve team is a different kettle of fish altogether.在预备队里打比赛完全是另外一回事。She went to put the kettle on while he has was pontificating.他在自以为是地高谈阔论,而她则去烧了一壶水。When the kettle boiled he poured hot water into his Thermos.壶里的水烧开后,他把开水倒进了保温瓶。Is the kettle boiling?壶里的水开了吗?I'll just boil the kettle.我这就去把水烧上。Afterwards, we strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers.然后,我们溜达回来,烧上水,又坐下看报纸。If you're not careful you'll scald yourself on/with that kettle.你如果不小心,就会被那个水壶烫伤。Elliott accused me of being selfish. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!艾丽特责备我自私,真是“锅嫌壶黑”。Playing for the reserve team is a totally different kettle of fish.作为替补参加比赛完全是两码事。Did you remember to unplug the kettle?你记得把电水壶的插头拔了吗?I want to plug the kettle into the right-hand socket.我想把水壶插到右手边的插座上。I have experience in domestic law, but international law is another kettle of fish. 国内法我有经验,但国际法可是另一码事。They put the kettle on to make a cup of tea.他们坐上水壶烧水泡茶。Your brother is a very different kettle of fish from you.你的兄弟和你完全不同。Hard water furred the kettle.硬水使水壶生了垢。I know there'd be a kettle on the boil down in the kitchen.我知道厨房里总会有一壶烧开的水的。The kettle is steaming away on the stove.炉子上的水壶正在冒蒸汽。I'll put the kettle on and make us some tea.我去烧壶水给大家沏茶。Shall I put the kettle on for a cup of tea?我要不要烧壶水沏杯茶?I'll put on the kettle for tea. Or boil up some coffee.我烧壶水沏茶。要么煮些咖啡。I've just put the kettle on.我刚把水烧上。The kettle was bubbling away on the back of the range.水壶在后排灶头上汩汩地沸腾着。He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea.他无事可做,便烧了一壶水,沏了点茶。Someone went upstairs and brought down a huge kettle.有人上楼取下一个大水壶。She made herself a sandwich while she waited for the kettle to boil.她在等水烧开的时候给自己做了一个三明治。




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