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词汇 gains
例句 This change in the tax system will mean big gains for some companies.税制上的这一变化将会给一些公司带来很大收益。Almost all leading shares had double-figure gains.几乎所有主要股票的股价都有两位数的涨幅。Capital gains and losses can be expected to cancel one another out.资本收益和资本亏损可以两相抵消。This will be used to counterweight the capital-gains argument.这将被用来与资本收益论相抗衡。This watch neither gains nor loses.这表走得既不快也不慢。She tucked her ill-gotten gains into her purse and left.她把不义之财塞入钱包后就离开了。The Green Party made big gains in the local elections.绿党在地方选举中取得很大进展。This may help to maintain the gains you've made and to prevent backsliding.这也许有助于维持你取得的进展,并防止倒退。War and poverty have reversed previous gains in children's health.战争与贫困使本已改善的儿童健康状况又倒退了回去。It is hard to overestimate the potential gains from this process.这一工艺的潜在收益不可估量。The SPD made significant gains in a regional election.德国社会民主党在地区选举中选票数量获得了大幅增长。The gains from productivity have fed through to the consumers.生产力的提高对消费者产生了影响。Stock sales resulted in millions of dollars in capital gains for the company.证券销售为这家公司赢得了数百万美元的资本收益。The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.与攀高的失业率相对的是生产力的持续提高。There are obvious gains for the student.这名学生有明显的进步。The hero eventually gains his rightful place in society.英雄最后赢得了他应得的社会地位。There needs to be joint political action to consolidate the gains of the elections.有必要采取联合政治行动来巩固选举上的收获。They consolidated their gains by reinvesting in government bonds.他们通过再投资于公债而确保了收益。Whatever the objections to this sort of treatment, the gains in terms of the number of lives saved are substantial.不管对这种疗法存在何种异议,就其挽救了众多生命这一点而言,它的意义是重大的。The right made huge electoral gains.右翼在选举中获得巨大的收获。Companies are under pressure to trade off price stability for short-term gains.各公司都迫于无奈,要牺牲价格的稳定来换取短期的利益。He escaped to South America with his ill-gotten gains.他带著不义之财逃往南美。The morning's gains in US stocks fell sharply.美国股价今早上升后急速下跌。There is still scope for efficiency gains.仍有通过提高效率获得更多收益的余地。It is a policy that will bring significant gains to all sections of the community.这是一项能使社会各界广泛受益的政策。Dealing fees eat into your gains.交易费会减少你的收益。The costs far outweigh any efficiency gains.成本远远超过提高效率带来的收益。This watch gains.这只表走得太快。We weighed the cost of advertising against the likely gains from increased business.我们权衡了广告成本和业务增加可能带来的收益。Within a few years inflation had eaten away all the economic gains.在几年时间里,通货膨胀使所有的经济增长都化为乌有。Better workplace design can bring real gains in productivity.更合理地安排工作场所能大大提高生产率。Sell your stocks now to lock in some of the gains of recent months.现在卖出你的股票以锁定这几个月来的收益。Together with efficiency gains and reduced costs from the investment programme, margins should continue to grow.随着效率的提高和成本的降低,这个投资项目利润将不断增加。This event gains popularity each year.这个比赛项目一年年渐受欢迎。Recent elections have shown significant gains by right-wing groups.最近的选举表明右翼团体的得票数量大幅增加。It seems political expediency, rather than absolute economic need, will determine who gains from the conflict.看来是政治上的权宜之计,而不是绝对的经济需求,将决定谁会从这场冲突中获益。The party has an uphill battle to offset the gains made by other parties.该政党在抵消其他政党获得的收益方面面临艰巨的任务。He is already reaping political gains.他在政治上已经获得了收益。The film gains incisive bite from Sellers' performance as the union chief.这部影片由塞勒斯饰演工会主席,他的演出使影片具有深刻的感染力。What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?一个人如果丧失了灵魂,即使获得了整个世界,对他又何益之有?




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