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The morning's gains in US stocks fell sharply.美国股价今早上升后急速下跌。This event gains in popularity each year这个比赛项目一年年渐受欢迎。Cyber bars have gained in popularity in recent years.网吧近年来越来越流行。What you lose in income you will gain in experience.你在收入方面的损失将会从获得的经验中得到补偿。The party has made solid gains in all areas of the country.该党在全国所有地区的支持率都有了相当不错的增加。The Green Party made big gains in the local elections.绿党在地方选举中取得很大进展。The company reported a gain in earnings for the first quarter of the year.公司报告在第一季度收益有了增长。Watson's views gained in popularity.沃森的观点得到了认可。The SPD made significant gains in a regional election.德国社会民主党在地区选举中选票数量获得了大幅增长。Electricals made big gains in this afternoon's trading on Wall Street.华尔街股票今天下午的交易中,电器商获得了大幅收益。Over the months she gained in confidence.几个月来她信心大增。War and poverty have reversed previous gains in children's health.战争与贫困使本已改善的儿童健康状况又倒退了回去。She gradually gained in self-confidence and ability.她的自信心和能力在慢慢提高。Last year there was only a modest gain in earnings.去年的盈利仅略有增加。Whatever the objections to this sort of treatment, the gains in terms of the number of lives saved are substantial.不管对这种疗法存在何种异议,就其挽救了众多生命这一点而言,它的意义是重大的。They have gained in strength.他们的实力增强了。Teachers have to apply in the classroom the insights that they gain in educational courses.教师必须把自己在教育课程中学到的知识应用到课堂教学之中。The first public opinion poll showed his eponymous right-wing party had gained in popularity.第一次民意测验表明,以他命名的右翼政党赢得了民意的支持。While it has lost its tranquility, the area has gained in liveliness.虽然该地区失去了往日的宁静,但是却有了生气。Double-digit gains in home prices draw happy amens from a chorus of home builders and mortgage brokers.房价的两位数增长引得房屋建筑商和抵押贷款经纪人高兴地齐声叫好。The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.与攀高的失业率相对的是生产力的持续提高。Her voice had gained in strength.她的声音更有力量了。The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.这一党派在选举中取得一定成绩,但和预期的巨大收获相差甚远。But many leaders have invested their ill-gotten gains in several different countries.但很多领导者已把他们的非法所得投资到了几个不同的国家。Are qualifications gained in Britain recognized in other European countries?在英国修习所得的资格在其他欧洲国家是否得到认可?Over time, though, Watson's views gained in popularity.然而渐渐地,沃森的观点赢得了大家的支持。They hope to make big gains in Congress in the coming election. 他们希望在接下来的选举中在国会获得更多席位。Better workplace design can bring real gains in productivity.更合理地安排工作场所能大大提高生产率。 |