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词汇 just because
例句 We can't assume it will rain today just because it rained yesterday.我们不能仅仅因为昨天下雨了,就认为今天也会下雨。I couldn't believe it! She went ballistic just because there were peas in her pasta.我简直无法相信!就因为面里有豌豆,她就勃然大怒。It's absurd to think Porter flew into a murderous rage just because he had an argument with his girlfriend.认为波特跟女朋友吵了一架就动了杀机,这也太荒唐了。Don't be in a tiff just because you didn't get your own way.别因为不称你的心就闹别扭。A word to the wise: just because it's a bargain doesn't mean you have to buy it.一点儿忠告:不能仅仅因为便宜你就买。I'm not going to give my son the job just because of our relationship.我不打算把这个职位给我儿子,正因为我们有这层亲属关系。We had a humongous row just because she left.正是因为她的离去,我们大吵了一架。Why should I be penalized just because I'm a woman?为什么因为我是女性就要低人一截?I bought the flowers just because I felt like it.我买这些花只是因为我想买。And all this praise just because the poor man has died - doesn't it strike you as a bit insincere?所有这些赞扬仅仅是因为这可怜的人已经去世了——你不觉得这有点虚伪吗?She represented authority just because of the way she looked and spoke.她代表权威只不过是因为她的长相和谈吐。I wasn't going to put out just because he'd paid for dinner.我可不会因为他请我吃了晚饭就和他上床。Addicts don't stop what they're doing just because someone gives them a talking-to.瘾君子不会因为有人训斥了他们一顿就停止吸毒。You don't have to feel obliged to do things just because others expect you to.即使别人希望你做,你也不必觉得非做不可。Ian thinks that just because he made good, everybody else can too.伊恩认为既然他发家了,其他人也可以。She was cursing and screaming at me just because I was late.仅仅因为我迟到了,她就对我尖声咒骂。Mrs Clark said it would be a sin to evict them just because they hadn't paid their rent.克拉克太太说单单因为没有交房租就把他们赶出去,那是不对的。You shouldn't denigrate people just because they have different beliefs from you.你不要只是因为信仰不同而贬低他人。We can't really give him the sack just because he's unpopular.我们不能就因为他不讨人喜欢便真的开除他。We should not dismiss these ideas just because they are unfamiliar.我们不应该由于不熟悉这些观点而拒绝予以考虑。He got off doing the dishes just because he's a boy.只因为他是男孩就不洗餐具了。I never chose people just because of their looks.我从不以貌取人。I'm half inclined to take the job just because it's in Argentina.我有点倾向于接受这份工作只因为它是在阿根廷。You mean you dumped him just because he forgot your birthday?你意思是说,你甩了他就因为他忘记了你的生日?I won't change my ways just because I'm under pressure.我不会仅仅因为面临压力就改弦更张。She didn't get into movies just because her mother was a famous actress, but it must have helped.她进入电影圈并不只是因为她母亲是一位名演员,不过肯定也是有一定帮助的。I resent paying extra for my drink just because it's in a posey bottle!我可不愿意就因为瓶子花哨就得为饮料多付钱!Brighton have too many experienced players to crumble just because we are in town.布赖顿队有很多经验丰富的队员,他们不会因为我们在城里就丧失斗志。The reason women are drinking is just because they like it.女人喝酒只是因为她们喜欢喝。The court's decision suggests that it is OK to throw pregnant women in jail just because they are addicted.法院判决意味着仅仅因为其有毒瘾就把孕妇投入监狱没错。He thinks that just because he's the head of department he can force his opinions on everybody.他以为自己是部门的领导,就可以把自己的想法强加给每个人。Don't get nervous just because the teacher might ask you a question.别因为老师有可能提问你,就过于紧张。I'm not going to defer decisions just because they are not immediately politically popular.我不会仅仅因为做出的决定没有立即受到欢迎便将其推迟。People seem to think that just because I'm retired, I'm past it.人们似乎认为我退休了就不中用了。Now don't get smug just because you've won a couple of games.不要赢了几场比赛就沾沾自喜。Don't belittle her piano playing just because you're jealous.不要仅仅因为你忌妒而贬低她的钢琴弹奏。He started taking the mickey out of this poor man just because he is bald.就因为这个可怜人是个秃顶,他就开始嘲弄人家。They shouldn't bend the rules for him just because he's the director's son.他们不应该仅仅因为他是主任的儿子就对他网开一面。Don't start flinging accusations just because you're upset.不要仅仅因为你心烦就开始指责别人。There's no need to go hog wild just because it's Sarah's birthday - she won't want such a fuss.仅仅因为今天是莎拉的生日就冲动过了头,这实在是没必要,她不想小题大做。




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