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词汇 junior
例句 My son's at junior school.我儿子在上小学。He is a junior secretary at the embassy.他是大使馆的初级助理。John is still junior to me at work.约翰的职位仍然比我低。We could give the job to somebody more junior.我们可以把这份工作提供给资历更浅的人。My job is to supervise people who are junior to me.我的职责是监督那些职位在我之下的人。I was a naval officer, lieutenant junior grade.我是一名海军中尉军官。Foley had a junior post in the Foreign Office.福利在外交部担任一个小职务。My son goes to the local junior school.我儿子在当地上小学。Career progression from trainee to junior management levels can be rapid.从实习生到初级管理层的事业发展可能很快。It was the summer before his junior year in high school.那是他升入高三前的那个夏天。How did you do on the exam, junior?考得怎么样,儿子?He is six years my junior. 他比我小六岁。She started work as a junior reporter on a local newspaper.她刚工作时在当地一家报社当初级记者。In nearly all British state junior schools, children learn in mixed ability classes.几乎在所有英国国立小学里,孩子们都在能力水平不一的混合班学习。She started as an office junior, and in time became director of the whole company.她刚开始是办公室小职员,后来成了公司的董事。No one ever listens to what I say, but then I'm only the junior clerk.没有人会听我说的话,不过话说回来,我只不过是个小职员。She works as a junior reporter on a local paper.她是一家地方报纸的初级记者。They opposed the nomination of a junior officer to the position of Inspector General of Police.他们反对任命一名下级警官担任警务总监。There were rumblings of discontent from junior ranks in the Army.陆军下级军官怨声载道。The charity publishes adult and junior newsletters.该慈善机构出版成人及青少年的时事通讯。Carlo has been relegated to a more junior position in the company.卡洛在公司内被降职。Can junior managers be trusted to exercise discretion when making decisions?可以相信初级经理能作出慎重的决定吗?There are lots of jobs in junior grades.职位低的工作有很多。My cousin is a junior officer.我表弟是个下级军官。She married a man seven years her junior.她嫁给了一个比她小七岁的男人。Organised junior football was either restricted or logistically impossible to operate.有组织的少年足球要么受到限制,要么在管理安排上无法操作。He has recently been made a junior partner in the family business.他最近成了家族生意中的次要合伙人。One of the junior officers jumped several ranks.有一名下级军官跳升了好几级。 Mark has been Luke's sidekick since junior high school.打从初中开始,马克和路克一直就是哥儿俩。She's a transfer from the junior college.她是从大专转来的学生。This is a fairly common tactic among junior executives.在年资较浅的经理人员中这一招是相当普遍的。Staff turnover is particularly high among junior grades.下级职员的流动率高得出奇。Of the two clerks, he is the junior.这两个职员中他职务较低。He was the most junior and most recent arrival at the embassy.在大使馆里,他是职位最低也是入职最晚的一位。Colonel Monroe became incensed when two of the junior officers did not treat him with respect.门罗上校大为恼火,因为有两名下级军官对他不恭敬。She's a junior at the state college.她是州立学院的三年级学生。Drug use among junior high school students has fallen.初中学生吸毒的情况已经减少了。The main of my pool of friends are either junior managers, secretaries, or administrators.我的朋友多是职位不高的经理、秘书或行政人员。Eleven girls joined the junior high football team, but only four stuck it out until the end of the season.十一名女孩参加了初中的足球队,但只有四个人坚持到了赛季结束。He is six years junior to me. = He is junior to me by six years. 他比我小六岁。




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