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词汇 jump into
例句 He threw his robe off and jumped into the shower.他迅速脱掉浴袍,冲过去淋浴。The new product jumped into popularity.新产品一下子普及开来。I tore my sweaty clothes off and jumped into the shower.我匆匆脱下汗津津的衣服,跳进淋浴间。The children stripped off their clothes and jumped into the river.孩子们脱掉衣服跳进河里。I have to hold my nose when I jump into water.当我跳到水里时必须捏住鼻子。Some men who could not reach the lifeboats, jumped into the sea.一些无法够到救生艇的人跳进了大海。We jumped into the water with bullets whizzing past our ears.子弹从耳边嗖嗖地飞过,我们跳入了水中。Stuart jumped into the sea and inflated the liferaft.斯图尔特跳到海里给救生艇充气。We got up at the crack of dawn and jumped into our clothes.天刚亮我们就起床,三两下穿上衣服。 He took his chances and jumped into the water.他冒险跳进了水里。Dad pushed off and jumped into the rowboat.爸爸双腿一蹬,跳进了划艇里。A masked man came tearing out of the bank and jumped into a waiting car.一名蒙面男子从银行里冲出来,跳进了一辆等候着的汽车。A tourist jumped into the canal to fish the boy out.一位游客跳进运河去救那个男孩。Is he good enough to make the jump into Formula One?他的水平足以升入一级方程式比赛吗?The little girl gabbled out her prayers and jumped into bed.这小女孩匆匆说过祈祷词便跳上床。The boys tore off their clothes and jumped into the water.男孩们匆匆脱下衣服,跳进了水里。His invention jumped into popularity.他的发明一下子普及了。The children jumped into the river with a splash.孩子们扑通一声跳进河里。Do you see the splash I made when I jumped into the pool?我跳进水池时,你看到我溅起的水花了吗?It was so hot that we all peeled off and jumped into the lake.天气太热我们全都脱去衣服跳入湖中。Without any hesitation, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.他毫不犹豫地跳下河去救溺水的孩子。She slammed the door of the house and jumped into the car beside him.她砰地关上屋门,钻进了他旁边的汽车里。They wrenched open the passenger doors and jumped into her car.他们使劲拽开后座车门,跳进了她的车子。The little boy gabbled his prayers and jumped into bed.那小男孩匆匆念过祷文就跳上了床。The boy threw off his clothes and jumped into the water.男孩匆匆脱下衣服,跳入水中。She jumped into the dinghy and shoved off.她跳进小艇,离岸而去。The new law is a jump into the unknown.这部新法律效果如何还是个未知数。Stuart jumped into the sea and inflated the life raft.斯图尔特跳进海里给救生筏充了气。As soon as I got through customs I jumped into a taxi.我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。Eddie ran out of the house, jumped into his car, and drove off.埃迪跑出房子,跳进汽车,然后开车离去。She jumped into the pool feetfirst.她脚先着水地跳进了游泳池。The little girl gabbled her prayers and jumped into bed.小女孩匆匆念过祷词,就跳上床睡觉了。Before you could say Jack Robinson, she'd jumped into the car and driven away.一眨眼的功夫,她已经跳上汽车开走了。He jumped into his car and raced back home.他跳进汽车,开足马力赶回家去。Jack stripped and jumped into the shower.杰克脱掉衣服,冲进淋浴间。Don't jump into a lot of exercise if you are usually sedentary.如果你经常坐着不动,不要突然一下做很多运动。Ella jumped into the car and drove off at high speed.埃拉一步跨进车里,飞速地开走了。Adrian just had time to see his father jump into the truck and drive off in a cloud of dust.阿德里安只来得及看见父亲跳入卡车,在一阵飞扬的尘土中疾驶而去。She jumped into the pool with a splash.她扑通一声跳入池中。They jumped into the discussion after they arrived.他们到达后立即投入了讨论。




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