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词汇 to separate
例句 It's very possible that we may see a movement to separate the two parts of the country.很可能我们会目睹一场分裂该国这两个地区的运动。They described the process used to separate cream from milk.他们介绍了从牛奶分离出奶油的过程。Ed stepped in to separate the two dogs.埃德上前把这两条狗分开。It isn't always easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.分清良莠并不总是很容易。Police moved in to separate the two groups, already sundered by distrust.警方及时介入将互不信任、业已分化的两组人隔离开。We need to separate fact and/from fiction.我们要把事实与虚构区别开来。The Palace has announced that the Duke and Duchess are to separate.王室宣布公爵和公爵夫人即将分居。The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用成分是很关键的。Is it possible to separate truth from fiction?…有可能把事实与虚构分开吗?The material is processed to separate out the impurities.这种材料经过加工处理分离出杂质。She tried to separate what is factual from what is not.她尽力分辨出事实与假象。It is difficult to separate actions that terrorize a population from those that dehumanize and humiliate it.对人们实行的恐怖统治就是一种令他们人性泯灭并对其加以羞辱的行为,二者很难区分开。The competition has been easy to this point, but now it gets tough and we'll really begin to separate the men from the boys.这场比赛在此之前一直都很轻松,但现在变得激烈了,我们将真正开始一决高下。The best solution would be for them to separate.最好的解决方法是他们分开。Teachers thought it best to separate Paul and Fred and put them in different classes.老师认为最好把保罗和弗雷德分开,安排到不同的班级去。Investors need to separate the wheat from the chaff if they want a reasonable return.投资者如果想得到合理的回报,就需要识别优劣。At school they always tried to separate Jane and me because we were troublemakers.在学校里,他们总是设法把简和我分开,因为我们是捣蛋鬼。I drew a straight line down the page to separate the two lists.我在页面上画了一条直线将这两个列表分开。Paisley described government plans to separate Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom as an act of betrayal.佩斯利把政府准备将北爱尔兰从英国分裂出去的计划称作是叛国行为。The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt.双手握住淘选盘不停旋动将沙金和尘土分开。He possessed this capacity to separate his real life from the official side of affairs and not mix the two.他有能力把私生活与公务分开,不让两者混在一起。It is difficult to separate the two aims.很难将这两个目标区分开来。Just as the gangway was about to be withdrawn, it suddenly came over her that a whole ocean was soon to separate her and her loved ones.正当跳板将要收起的时候她突然意识到整个大海即将把她与她所爱的人隔开。They had a series of arguments, leading up to a decision to separate.他们经过连番争吵后决定分居。Before you put out the trash, you have to separate out the bottles and cans.在扔垃圾之前,须将瓶子和罐头盒分拣出来。It's sometimes hard to separate fact from fiction.有时很难区分事实和虚构。He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec's threat to separate from Canada.他宣布成立一个新部门,专门处理魁北克威胁要从加拿大分裂出去一事。If you two don't stop talking during class, I'll have to separate you.如果你们俩上课时仍不停讲话,我就把你们分开。The boxers clinched and the referee had to separate them.拳击手扭抱在一起,裁判员不得不将他们分开。Friends say I should call her bluff and agree to separate.朋友们说我应该就按她所威胁的那样,同意分居。Help your students to separate important ideas in the text from incidental details.帮助学生区分课文中的主要观点和次要内容。Hair conditioner helps your curls to separate.护发素可以让你的鬈发一绺一绺地自然分开。Police moved in to separate the two groups.警方介入进来,将两拨人分开。She finds it difficult to separate fact from fantasy.她觉得很难分清事实和幻想。They want to separate teaching from research.他们想把教学和研究分开。It is difficult to separate legend from truth.很难将传说和事实区别开来。You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents.可以将二氧化碳液化,以便和其他成分分开。It is difficult to separate truth from legend.将事实和传说区分开来是很难的。Truscott's verbosity made it hard to separate plain fact from decorative embellishment.特拉斯科特说话啰唆,让人很难分清哪是纯粹的事实哪是添油加醋的修饰之辞。The top and bottom sections are quite difficult to separate.顶部和底部很难分开。




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