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词汇 jumped
例句 She practically jumped out of bed.她几乎是从床上跳下来的。He jumped his horse across the stream.他纵马跳过小溪。The conversation suddenly jumped back to what had happened yesterday.谈话突然转回到昨天发生的事上。The mistake jumped out of the page at him.这一页上的错误一下就被他注意到了。They said he jumped from the balcony above the pool.他们说他从游泳池上方的阳台上跳了下来。He jumped up, grinning broadly.他跳了起来,咧嘴大笑。I checked for errors, but nothing jumped out at me. 我检查过了,没发现任何错误。He jumped into his car and drove off.他一步跳进汽车,一溜烟地开走了。She jumped in the pool and went under.她跳进水池,潜入水下。Thieves jumped the old man as he walked through the park.在老人步行穿过公园时,小偷突然袭击了他。I'm sorry, I've jumped a paragraph.对不起,我跳过去了一段。The children stripped off their clothes and jumped into the river.孩子们脱掉衣服跳进河里。The car jumped a light and sped away.汽车闯了红灯后飞速驶离。She jumped to her feet and ran downstairs.她突然站起来,跑下楼去了。He had jumped bail last year while being tried on drug charges.去年他因毒品指控受审时在保释期间逃跑了。Policemen jumped over the wall of the Spanish Embassy in pursuit.警察在追捕中跳过西班牙大使馆的围墙。He jumped upon the horse and galloped full tear to the next station.他跳上马拼命地向下一站驰去。He jumped the gun and opened the test before the teacher said to start.在老师说开始前,他行动过早,先翻开了试卷。The outfielder went back to the fence and jumped, but the ball was gone.外野手后退到外野围栏处跳起接球,但球已飞出去了。Eddie ran out of the house, jumped into his car, and drove off.埃迪跑出房子,跳进汽车,然后开车离去。Some men who could not reach the lifeboats, jumped into the sea.一些无法够到救生艇的人跳进了大海。A masked man came tearing out of the bank and jumped into a waiting car.一名蒙面男子从银行里冲出来,跳进了一辆等候着的汽车。You have the right to express your opinions without being jumped on.你有权表达自己的意见而不受人责备。Before you could say Jack Robinson, she'd jumped into the car and driven away.一眨眼的功夫,她已经跳上汽车开走了。He jumped in surprise.他吃惊得跳了起来。He jumped the first fence beautifully.他轻松地跨过第一道栏。With a powerful lash of its tail, the fish jumped out of the net and back into the river.那条鱼猛地一摆尾巴从渔网里又跳回到河中。She jumped up on a chair and began to sing the national anthem.她跳上椅子,开始唱国歌。The record jumped and skipped.唱片串轨跳曲了。They jumped in the car and sped/speeded away.他们跳上车飞驰而去。He jumped athletically out of the car.他身手矫捷地跳出了车子。Some people jumped rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong.有些人轻率地得出结论说一定是出了什么问题。She jumped up onto the table.她跳到了桌子上。He jumped over the wall with surprising agility.他以惊人的敏捷身手跃过了墙。I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw her face at the window.当我看到她的脸出现在窗户上,几乎吓得魂灵出窍。As she jumped forward, the ball slipped from her grasp.她向前跳跃时,球从她的手中滑落。I jumped out of bed and opened wide the curtains.我迅速起床,拉开了窗帘。The British stunt man Eddie Kidd jumped over the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle.英国特技表演者埃迪·基德骑摩托车飞越了中国长城。The bath was cold but he jumped in anyway.浴缸的水很凉,但他还是一下就扎进去了。The thugs jumped him in a dark alley.歹徒们在一条黑乎乎的胡同里向他突然袭击。




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