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Raw sewage had been dumped in the river.未经处理的污水被排往河里。Cities upstream use the river to get rid of sewage.上游的城市将污水排放到河里。The children stripped off their clothes and jumped into the river.孩子们脱掉衣服跳进河里。His car careered into a river.他的车一头冲入河里。He waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.他兴高采烈地谈论了河里的鱼品种多样。An enormous quantity of chemical waste has been dumped in the river.大量的化学废料倾倒到河里去了。Ashlee fell into the river with a loud splash.阿什莉扑通一声掉进了河里。A bus veered off the road and tumbled down the hill into the river below.一辆公共汽车转向冲出路面,滚下山去掉进下面的河里。The raw sewage empties into the river.未经处理的污水排入了河里。The river is well-stocked with fish.这条河里鱼很多。One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.一个渔夫兴高采烈地谈论河里各种各样的鱼。A large diesel tank leaked its contents into the river.一个大柴油罐里的油漏进了河里。They risked life and limb to pull the child from the river.他们冒着生命危险把那个孩子从河里救了上来。We had so much fun rolling stones down into the river.我们把石头滚到河里,玩得很开心。A drain carries surplus water to the river.一根排水管把多余的水输送到河里去。The authorities lifted the ban on swimming in this river.当局解除了不许在这条河里游泳的禁令。Trout live in this river.这条河里有鳟鱼。Because of an unusually strong current, the bridge's central support gave way, tipping a coach into the river.因为遭遇罕见的湍急洪流的冲击,桥中心的支座坍塌,一辆长途客车被掀进了河里。He went head first into the river.他一头栽进河里。Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.有毒化学品流入了河里。Jane was drowned in the river.简在那条河里溺水身亡。Noah threw a stone high into the air and it plopped into the river.诺厄把一块石头抛得高高的,然后它扑通一声落入河里。The company was fined for dumping toxic waste into the river.公司因往河里倾倒有毒废弃物被罚款。They shouldered the boat and took it down to the river.他们把船扛在肩上抬到河里。A fish in the river catches the light one second and swims off into a dark pool the next.河里的一条鱼闪现了一下,紧接着游到旁边的深水池里去了。The salmon fight their way back up the river to spawn.鲑鱼奋力回游到河里产卵。We've been feeding the ducks on the river.我们一直在喂河里的鸭子。Rachel fell into the river with a loud splash.雷切尔扑通一声掉进河里。The river is populated mainly by smaller species of fish.这条河里大部分是小型鱼类。According to Rachel's version of the story, they threw the key in the river.按照雷切尔的说法,他们把钥匙扔到河里了。He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river.他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。The children jumped into the river with a splash.孩子们扑通一声跳进河里。Swimming in an icy river is not my idea of fun.在冰冷的河里游泳我可不觉得有什么乐趣。He fell splash into the river.他扑通一声掉入河里。The pipes lead into the river.管子通进河里。Because of the drought, the river has become little more than a trickle.由于久旱不雨,河里的水只剩下一股细流了。We used buckets to haul water up from the river.我们用桶从河里提水。The logs are trimmed and then floated down the river.这些圆木经修剪后放进河里顺流漂下。They irrigate their crops with water from this river.他们引这条河里的水灌溉庄稼。Hundreds of gallons of oil leaked into the river.数百加仑石油漏入河里。 |